7/24/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Party have a new 2018 campaign slogan, “A Better Deal for the American Worker.” The Democrats don’t care about anybody who works, they care about people going on welfare. Their idea is a more massive bureaucracy with more regulation with more controls. Schumer promises to raise the minimum wage, to create new government agencies, to establish new welfare programs, and to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure. Which is to say, the Democrats have no new ideas. They’ve been selling this warmed-over, marxism for over 100 years, which is one of the reasons we’re in the situation we're in right now. It’s a better deal for America’s welfare recipients. After that, President Trump is saying if Republicans oppose a motion to go forward with a procedure to debate Mitch McConnell’s healthcare bill they are for Obamacare. Trump is trying to press Senators to vote for this procedural vote. What we need to do is support the Constitution. If we are not going to take a stand on Obamacare is there anything we are going to take a stand on? In addition, General Tony Thomas was talking about a leak to the New York Times which outed a covert agent. This agent’s name was made public by the Times who argued that it was already public, but that doesn’t matter. This is why people hate the media.