7/19/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: There is a typical smear campaign going on launched by Mitch McConnell’s office against Mike Lee and he’s using the phony conservative media to do this. What pseudo conservatives like Avik Roy are saying, is that thanks to Mike Lee, every bit of Obamacare will remain. McConnell has put out the word go after the conservatives. Lisa Murkowski, Shelley, Capito, and Susan Collins should be defeated, not Lee. Of course there are no articles by Roy on this. In addition, Medicaid was created in 1966. It covered 4 million people in its first year. Now Medicaid has expanded thanks to Obamacare and covers 73.5 million people. States signing up for it got a 100% reimbursement for the first few years. People think that having Republican governors is great, but quite a few signed on for this Medicaid expansion, including, Michigan, Ohio, New Mexico, New Jersey and others. Now Republicans don’t want Medicaid touched. They wrap themselves in compassion, but are not being compassionate as more people will receive coverage but not quality care. This is a battle between liberty and tyranny and Americanism and Progressivism. The left and elements of the Republican Party all share this progressive mindset. Is it too much to ask in a Republic that you and I be free to choose what kind of healthcare we want? We are being devoured by the progressive ideology where even debate on this doesn’t occur. Later, this whole Russian collusion narrative is phony. Why aren’t former Obama Administration staffers like Samantha Powers testifying? The President’s family members, Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner are being dragged in front of Republican committees to testify. How can it possible be that the Senate Intelligence Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee are doing this without a scintilla of evidence that Kushner and Trump Jr. have done anything wrong? Finally, the Palestinian Authority has published its budget for 2017. They are increasing financial outlays to so-called martyrs and their families and are ignoring demands by the U.S. to stop terror