7/14/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer wasn’t inappropriate, what’s inappropriate is that this country is being pushed off the cliff. We are in deep trouble because the politicians are destroying our culture, borders, finances and military. We have Islamonazis in Iran violating the deal cut by Barack Obama. They are building ICBMs and aiming them at us. The Democrats voted for this and they dare to go after Donald Trump Jr. for a meeting where nothing happened. There is no scandal in this meeting as the media continue to drag it on and on. Look at what is taking place and the distraction. They think we are so stupid, but the American people don’t care how many Russians were in the meeting with Trump Jr. It is a disgrace for people including Charles Krauthammer to spend so much time on this nonissue. Why doesn’t the media focus on the 16 military service men who were killed in a tragic accident? The 15 marines and one navy corpsman were flying in a KC-130 and crashed in Mississippi on Monday. In addition, does anybody remember the multiple occasions when the Muslim Brotherhood had visits to the Obama White House? What about Obama’s meetings with CAIR? You had a President selling out the country with his secret deals, violating the treaty clause of the Constitution, and meeting with these radical groups. These are the real and serious issues. Finally, the day after President Trump won the election, there was lawsuits to challenge his agenda, violence in the streets, Democrat Judges blocking him and Democrats undermining him. All of this, leaks included, is intended to destroy Trump and his agenda.