7/27/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: If the Commander in Chief believes that transgender issues have no place in the military then they have no place in the military. This is not about an individual’s desire to express him or herself, but about the US military. The military is where you learn discipline, to follow orders, and to protect your fellow countrymen. After that, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes is accusing Barack Obama of making hundreds of requests to unmask Americans including those attached to the Trump transition team. Obama’s requests numbered by the hundreds and lacked a serious intelligence justification. Nunes has done more to uncover what is going on than virtually anyone else. In addition, William Browder is a hero, because he is a marked man by Vladimir Putin. Browder’s testimony is being ignored by the mainstream media. He has pointed out that Fusion GPS is a smear operation that does the bidding of the Kremlin. Yet, James Comey and senior people of the FBI were impressed by the phony dossier report they put out. The dossier for the most part was built on Kremlin disinformation and is a typical KGB nonsense. The entire argument that Putin wanted to install Trump is a lie, he wanted to disrupt our election process. Later, Anthony Scaramucci wants to hunt down the leakers. He should hunt them down instead of talking to reporters and tweeting about them. Scaramucci is the biggest leaker of all. The things he said about Steve Bannon are disgusting. The American people are not going to tolerate this in the next election if the White House doesn’t get its act together. Finally, Congress is not going to reauthorize a spy program if nobody is held accountable for breaking the law. Republican members, including Ron DeSantis, on the House Judiciary Committee are united to investigate Ben Rhodes and others involved for any role they had in leaking classified information.