10/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Why has President Trump flipped on Obamacare subsidies? Just last Thursday, Trump struck a major blow against Obamacare, ending the illegal cost-sharing subsidies that were keeping the failed Democratic law afloat. On Tuesday, Trump backed a bipartisan plan to restore those subsidies, enshrining Obamacare rather than working to repeal it. If Congress passes this and the president signs it, that makes it constitutional. That also makes it outrageous because that means both political parties, both elected branches – Congress and the president – have created a massive new entitlement boondoggle that is lawful. In the meantime, the Democrats win the argument on Obamacare because the Republicans and the President are buckling. Obamacare is going to be enshrined forever because Republicans who control the House, Senate, and presidency won’t repeal it and are intent on funding it. Also, when Democrats get control they will move immediately move to socialize healthcare. The left opposes federalism and state sovereignty. After that, why are we not being loyal to the Kurds the way they are loyal to us? It doesn’t mean we have to send in troops, but the U.S. should take an active role in protecting our loyal friends. Trump needs to intervene on the Kurds’ behalf. The Kurds helped us on our way to destroying ISIS and the way we are treating them is immoral. They have been absolutely loyal to the U.S. military and have been courageous. Later, we have an industry in Hollywood that is drenched in potential sexual crimes and abuse of women. What we need is a special sexual crimes unit to investigate the entertainment industry. We have serious allegations of sexual criminality and workplace harassment. Where is the EEOC, the DOJ and the media?