10/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: These mass murders are horrific in every respect, but they make a tiny fraction of fraction of gun deaths in the country. There are around 33,000 annual gun deaths and two-thirds of those are suicides. Unfortunately, there will still be mass murder in this country, and not because of our gun laws but because of evil people. Also, people are now talking about banning bump stocks, which received the go ahead from the Obama administration’s ATF. Democrats can outlaw bump stocks and outlaw any device they want, but their measures will be ineffective in toppling barbarians that want to use these devices.. The more nonsense is argued, the less likelihood we will come to a solution. After that, the voices that have been smearing and trashing very brave police officers, who did so much in Las Vegas, are now silent. Colin Kaepernick who took his first knee is silent and so are the broadcasters. They don't praise the police, don’t thank them or speak of their heroism. The liberals will be out in full force to trash the police, it is just a matter of time. Later, there are things that can be done to save American lives and that would be to address our CAFÉ standards. These ensure that automobiles get more and more mileage. In order to meet these government standards, vehicles need to be made lighter and lighter. As a result, automobile accidents cause thousands of deaths per year. Congress could repeal the CAFÉ standard which would save many lives, however they won’t do that. Finally, According to Rex Tillerson, Joseph Dunfort and James Mattis, Iran is complying with the Iran Deal, but they are not. Iran has failed to comply with material elements of the deal and cannot be relied on to live up to any changes in the deal