8/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: As special counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in the Russia investigation, there is an ongoing coup against President Trump. CNN commentators were dismissive of this argument and labeled Mark a thought leader of the Trump wing of the Republican Party. That is exactly wrong. What’s taking place is coup activity, it’s not about arguing to or for the Trump base. It is the use of the law to destroy the law. It is the use of the law to destroy the constitutional system. This isn’t about Team Red and Team Blue. It's about Team America. After that, Lindsey Graham doesn’t understand the basics of the Constitution. He has joined with leftists in the Senate to prevent the President from firing Robert Mueller. The President has plenary power over the executive branch and Congress can’t prevent him from firing a subordinate. In addition, the ACLU asked the FBI for any documents related to the Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton tarmac meeting in 2016. The FBI under James Comey said they didn’t have any documents at the time, but the current FBI has released some documents. Though they are heavily redacted, they show enough information to display that there is collusion between the media and the left. Also, in the first 6 months there have been more leaks than the last 3 years combined. The vast majority of them are obviously people who have a different agenda than Trump. They violate their oaths and federal law to leak national security information and conversations between Trump and foreign leaders. The leakers are at work against the Constitution and the voters. Is this what the framers meant by the first amendment? Finally, Mike Lee calls in to talk about how the Constitution is being turned inside out. If the Senate was to continue at its current pace of filling Trump’s appointments, they would be completely filled in 11 years.