8/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The media are thrilled today because special counsel Robert Mueller impaneled a grand jury in D.C., affording him the power to subpoena documents, put witnesses under oath, and seek an indictment should there be any evidence of criminal activity. They are going to drag Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, in front of that jury and see if they can find any contradictions in their testimony. Then they will see if they can get somebody on perjury. This process is un-American when it’s abused the way this one has been. This is a coup that should upset every American — Trump supporter or not. You can bet the entire purpose of the special counsel appointment is to destroy Trump’s presidency. However, in destroying his presidency, the Democrats are undermining Trump’s ability to protect this nation from Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. After that, Benjamin Netanyahu is being accused of bribery. The same left attacking Trump in America are going after Netanyahu in Israel. Allegation after allegation is coming against him, but Netanyahu has strenuously denied any wrong doing. You have Hezbollah building bases on the border with Israel and Syria and these guys are chasing Netanyahu with no evidence. The left is unbelievable. Later, John Bolton former Ambassador to the UN calls in to talk about North Korea. The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, thinks he has a great idea, let’s talk to the North Koreans. How are we going to talk to the North Koreans when they are building ICBMS to aim at us? We have tried negotiations with them for 25 years and they have used that time to make ballistic missiles. Pyongyang should not be able to terrorize innocent American citizens or threaten its neighbor South Korea. Finally, Mo Brooks calls in to talk about his run for one of Alabama’s Senate seats. Mitch McConnell is using $8 million dollars from special interest groups to subvert the will of the American people to elect Luther Strange. McConnell is trying to make Brooks out to be the same as Nancy Pelosi which is a lie. Also, McConnell hasn’t raised money from the people of Alabama but from millionaire and billionaire special interests who are happy with what is going on Washington. Strange’s loyalty will lie with these groups trying to put him in office. These Senate seats should be based on who is the best candidate and who promotes conservative principles that are the foundation of our nation.