8/21/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Do we support the Bill of Rights? It’s crucially important for liberty today – the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. All of these amendments were drafted in part by slave owners. Do we now burn the Bill of Rights? This is the insanity of the Left’s march against the nation’s history. Where does it end? And who gets to decide what gets erased and what doesn’t? Also, the media and liberals don’t mind violence if it comes from the left. They defend antifa and black lives matters. Why? Violence is violence. Whatever hoods or masks these groups wear, street violence undermines the civil society and should be condemned. Our principles tell us to condemn all of the violence but for the left you have to choose, but we don’t pick sides - we reject them all. Later, despite the calls for Confederate monuments to be removed, nobody is talking about why we had the Civil War in the first place. Revisionists want you to hate Abraham Lincoln and say the Civil War wasn’t about slavery; it was about slavery and to keep the Union together. Finally, when Colin Kaepernick gets on 1 knee during the National Anthem, he looks like a spoiled millionaire athlete. These athletes who are doing this are destroying their fan base and there will come a point where fans will move on.