8/8/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: We may be on the brink of war with North Korea and it’s not because of the Trump administration. The Obama administration stood by while North Korea developed its nukes. The current threat from North Korea is the culmination of years of failure from Obama and the foreign policy establishment in Washington, D.C. President Donald Trump has said that North Korea will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. Immediately Democrats and the media are trashing the President for his statement and saying that he is reckless and that it encourages North Korea. This is not a question of whether we thought what Trump said was wise or unwise, but is about the fact that we are at the brink of war. After that, Deputy Assistant to the President, Sebastian Gorka calls in to talk about Trump’s statement on North Korea. Either China puts a stop to this or Trump or the next president will have to make a devastating decision. Later, Mitch McConnell thinks everything is fine and is full of excuses. The guy needs to be thrown out. He and the Senate are underperforming, we cannot make progress as long as McConnell is in the Senate.