8/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The mainstream media — specifically, The New York Times — who are falling over themselves to play to their rabid base in excoriating President Trump as a neo-Nazi sympathizer. Trump condemned both sides of the violence in Charlottesville, and the liberal media are aghast that he drew a moral equivalency between Alt-“Right” and Antifa. The media are telling us that if we condemn Antifa violence, we must actually support the neo-Nazis. We don’t support them and you don’t have to accept the mantra and insanity of the Left. Did Donald Trump ever try to deny the Holocaust? No. However, the New York Times buried the Holocaust in its pages during WWII. Yet they dare to write an editorial on Trump, blaming him for the violence in Charlottesville. Despite the Times’ failure it remains the record paper of the left. It took them 50 years to recognize their gross negligence yet Trump is attacked for adding to his statement within 48 hours. Also, the Democrat Party is the party of the Klan and was tied to the Klan for years. The Democrat party throughout history was a party of Klansmen and segregationists. In 1924, the Democrat Party refused to reject lynching. Democrats voted to make Robert Byrd the number two Democrat of the Senate and eventually made him Senate Majority leader in 1977. You think we would hear about this but Republicans are too cowardly to speak up. After that, we and the left reject Nazism and white supremacy. Will the left reject Marxism, National Socialism, the ideologies that murdered 10s of millions? Will they reject the Marxist ANTIFA who is causing mayhem? Finally, the government is arming the terrorist group Hezbollah. Given that Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah and a client state of Iran doesn’t that mean we are arming Hezbollah? Yes it does. This defies the logic that the Lebanese government could maintain control over this shipment without it being confiscated by Hezbollah first. We are placing ourselves against our own interests and aiding our enemies such as Iran.