6/15/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The shooting of Republicans in Virginia was predictable as the Leftists have become increasingly lawless and extreme. This personalization of politics, where the left attacks people personally, isn’t new, it’s as old as Marxism. What’s new is its embrace by democrat leadership. Rules for radicals pointed this out when Saul Alinsky wrote: pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. The democrat party and media have embraced this kind of politics of the street. Of course, the shooter is responsible for his own actions but there’s an atmosphere of violence that has been created by the left. The shooter loved Bernie Sanders, hated America, hated the rich, hated the system and hated President Trump. He hated everything he was told to hate by the left. Also, we have roving prosecutor, Robert Mueller, whose subject is whatever he wants to investigate, it’s as broad as he chooses. He’s independent from every branch of government to take down Trump. Now, Mueller is investigating Jared Kushner’s business dealings. This is what happens when you have a king for a prosecutor. Who will charge the prosecutor if the prosecutor violated any laws - like leaking? Nobody. The democrats plan is to have Mueller write a report one day which they will use as a basis for impeachment, not indictment, if they can win back the house. This is their plan and the Republicans allowed it to happen and the Deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein, triggered it. Finally, Otto Warmbier is back home from North Korea after 17 months of captivity with a severe brain injury. North Korea is very good at torture, they do it to their citizens. Kim Jung Un needs to be taken out and China needs to do it.