6/19/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The long-held official policy of the Department of Justice is that a sitting president of the United States cannot be indicted, according to an official 1973/2000 DOJ memoranda. All this talk about whether President Trump personally is under investigation for obstruction of justice, or whether Trump violated the law, will never go to court. If Robert Mueller should seek to indict Trump in the end the Supreme Court would throw it out. So why does the endless cloud of investigation around the Trump administration exist? It exists generally to distract and derail Trump's presidency, and specifically for the purposes of impeachment. In addition, James Comey's notes don't say that Trump directed or ordered him to stop any investigation. The memo and the parts of it that Comey leaked does not say what Comey testified to. Later, Otto Warmbier was a young man who stopped in North Korea on his way to Hong Kong and was imprisoned by the North Koreans for taking down a banner. He didn’t die of botulism as the North Koreans suggest but was murdered by them. This is why we need to put pressure on China, even if it be sanctions, to stop North Korea and take out Kim Jong Un. Barack Obama did nothing to deal with North Korea, so Trump has to pick up the pieces.