6/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: From the beginning the focus has been on the wrong thing and the wrong people. The Democrats and Hillary Clinton and the media have concocted a scandal. A scandal that has suggested that Donald Trump and his surrogates were colluding with the Russians during the 2016 election. That is a truly incredible allegation with no facts whatsoever. The Russians did interfere with America's 2016 election, but we have been focusing on the right problem and the wrong people. What in the world did Trump have to do with that? Nothing. Barack Obama was President in 2016. Loretta Lynch was Attorney General in 2016. They were responsible for protecting our nation, our voting system, the DNC & RNC database from the Russians, and they didn't. They failed! The Left is running a massive smear campaign to cover the epic failures of the Obama administration. This was all happening while the administration was conducting domestic surveillance. The Democrats go on and on, but what did Mark Warner and Adam Schiff do to protect us from the Russians? Nothing. The Russian hacking only became an issue after Hillary Clinton lost. The Democrats are just trying to blame Trump for what happened on their watch. When are Republicans on Capitol Hill going to focus on the right thing? They need to forget about the media and the hate mongers.