6/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The media is insane and hates President Trump. We are in the middle of World War III and the Democrat Party and the media are responsible for undermining the objectives of Trump. They are trying to criminalize politics and use any means they can to oppose and take down Trump. The President is trying to find legitimate ways to prevent what took place in England and on the London Bridge from happening in America, but he is being turned away. Trump is trying to find legitimate and Constitutional ways to protect this country from terrorism. The media is more concerned with making Trump look like the perpetrator of a Watergate scandal which is false. Also, FDR got away with putting the Japanese Americans in internment camps, and Obama has gotten away with the Iran Deal and domestic surveillance. However, Trump can’t even get a legitimate and constitutional executive order temporarily banning immigration from 6 Muslim countries that the Obama Administration had recognized.as potential threats. Finally, Reality Winner, an NSA contractor, has been charged under the Espionage Act for leaking classified information to the press via mail. What if she kept classified information on a separate server like Hillary Clinton did? Should she be charged then?