6/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Robert Mueller should step down as special prosecutor because of his conflicts of interest. The Deputy Attorney General has already demonstrated poor judgement in selecting Mueller, a friend of James Comey. Comey who was unethical in releasing a memo on a meeting with President Trump, said his goal was to have a Special Counsel appointed. Comey and Mueller have worked together in the Bush administration and are also close personal friends. Their families have had picnics, and had vacations together. Mueller cannot possibly be partial here and is anything but independent. In addition, Mueller has brought in attorneys to help investigate and some have donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and other Democrat campaigns. Also, thanks to Comey, the Russian investigation went from a counter intelligence investigation to a criminal investigation. Yet Comey, nicely and neatly closed the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. In addition how is Loretta Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac not obstruction of justice? How come Comey never kept any notes on Loretta Lynch, yet he kept notes on Trump?Lynch should be the one who should have a special prosecutor investigate her, not Trump. Later, if Trump doesn’t defend himself, what other Republican in Congress will? The left is not used to a Republican fighting back. The idea is that if you will only shut up after being attacked, somehow you won’t feed the Iron Triangle. The Iron triangle doesn’t need to be fed but is out for the throat of the President. From the Courts to Congress, to the media and now the Justice Department, Trump has no choice to defend himself. After that, Trump has dropped some parts of the agreement with Cuba that Barack Obama made with Raul Castro. Trump put a ban on commercial dealings with Cuba's military, but Obama’s established diplomatic ties, American embassy in Cuban and other policies will remain in place. Why is our embassy in Cuba's capital yet not in Israel’s Capital of Jerusalem? Finally, James Hodgkinson, the shooter who attempted the assassination of Steve Scalise and other Republicans had a list of Republican names found on his body. Some of the members were members of the Freedom Caucus, a conservative caucus which is despised and often attacked.