5/1/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Fox News does not respect its audience but instead respects the Hollywood Reporter, Variety and New York Magazine. They just took out Bill Shine, co-president at Fox who had helped build Rupert Murdoch’s billion dollar empire for 20 years. There has been no evidence put forth that Shine is anything but a decent individual. Shine helped put conservatives on that network and defended them against the left. Lachlan and James Murdoch are now in control and you are going to see a watering down of the Fox News content. Meanwhile, the Heritage Foundation is imploding too with the rumor that President Jim DeMint is being ousted. After that, President Trump said “had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War.” This is not true as the Civil War was virtually unavoidable. There was a coalescing of issues and events that propelled it, including the Fugitive Slave Act, The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Missouri Compromise. The Dred Scott Decision really set the fuse. This is an effort by the Neoconfederates to dress up Jackson to trash Abraham Lincoln. This is why the President needs a real conservative in the White House who could talk about history and economics. Later, when it comes to the Republican budget, Planned Parenthood is still funded, Dodd-Frank remains untouched, 99% of the EPA is funded, and not a penny has gone towards funding the wall. Nothing significant was done to reduce the national debt. This system if it continues will collapse one day. Finally, Paul Kengor calls in to talk about his new book, “A Pope and a President”. He reveals the Soviet Union’s role in ordering and organizing the failed shooting of Pope John Paul II.