5/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: In order to accomplish anything meaningful going forward, the Republicans and its members must adopt a more radical, but realistic, approach to address the progressive status quo in American politics and culture. Too many conservatives have simply accepted as effective power the minor concession of the progressives as they drive the political and cultural agenda. The reason for all this capitulation on almost everything in the GOP platform? Consent by silence on behalf of conservatives and Republicans. We live within the construct of the progressive movement, not within the constitutional structure that was established at the founding. Rather than confront the Left at the base of their arguments, Republican officials by and large live in fear of principles they proclaim at election time but reject at governing time. As a result, they’ve become accomplices to the will of their supposed adversaries who rotely repeat the propaganda of the Democrat party and the progressive movement. After that, James Comey said he had to do what he did with Hillary Clinton or risk the credibility of the justice system. But the problem is that Comey is wrong and it is self-serving. He changed the statute of gross negligence by his own intentional misinterpretation of it. Hillary purposely evaded security measures at the State Department and what she did with setting up a private server was unconscionable. What Comey should have done was propose that Hillary be indicted. In addition, Susan Rice decided not to testify before a Senate subcommittee on the alleged Russian hacking. She refused to testify because the senior Democrat on the subcommittee, Sheldon Whitehouse, was not involved in the invitation. Rice considers Lindsey Graham's invite a diversionary tactic. Why is Rice clamming up and why is Sheldon Whitehouse covering for her? To add, Jimmy Kimmel shared a very moving story about his baby’s heart surgery to show that everybody should have access to doctors and hospitals. Would his son have survived, had he been treated under the UK healthcare system which is what the left wants here? Does Kimmel truly understand what he is advocating for? Finally, President Obama in 2016, massively expanded efforts to search NSA intercepts for information on Americans. Government officials in 2016 carried out over 30,000 searches for information about Americans. Who is going to look in into this?