5/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The Republican Party is not a party of small government, of liberty, private property rights, or of Capitalism. Do you know why the Republicans won’t repeal Obamacare and won’t slash government spending? Because they support it. They want Obamacare, even though it’s unsustainable and open borders. We have deceitful, dishonest men and women who get your votes and don’t follow through on any of their promises like Fred Upton and Mitch McConnell. Now that Republicans are in power Upton has decided he can’t even support a partial repeal of Obamacare. Yet when Barack Obama was President, Upton supported repeal knowing full well Obama would veto any such attempt. Also, where is Mitch McConnell? He ran on fighting Obamacare, but has done nothing to get rid of it. Republicans used to fight for these issues and make their case to the American people. That is the difference between the era of Ronald Reagan and President Trump. After the election cycle the Republicans all sound like progressives. 100 years ago the Republican Party was a progressive party and that is what it is today. These progressives focused on fundamental transformation and that’s what happened to America. The only issue is, where are they taking us? After that, Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review calls in talk about the recently passed budget and Mick Mulvaney’s claims that it was a Republican win. Also, Paul Ryan says Planned Parenthood is not funded. Why isn’t Planned Parenthood jumping up and down today over the fact they lost funding? This is spin. Finally, Sen. Mike Lee calls in to discuss his view on the budget and what’s happening with Jim DeMint at Heritage.