5/15/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Donald Trump campaigned vigorously and unequivocally on moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trump appears to be in the midst of betraying that promise. Why would the President say he would move the embassy to Jerusalem if he didn’t mean it? So quickly and easily has Trump gone into the lap of the bureaucrats and the DC swamp. The President wants a peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine. A two state solution for Israel is a final solution for Israel. The Palestinians claim the entirety of Jerusalem and even Jewish sites that are over 3,000 years old. In addition, So far Rex Tillerson in his own way has said that we are going to listen to all interested parties. Tillerson, like H.R. McMaster has given the Palestinians their own country. It is shocking how the President has seemed to reverse course. Tillerson sounds like he is Secretary of State under Barack Obama. The Ottomans divided up the territory. Before that the land had been owned or passed on by word of mouth. The Palestinians never had a legitimate claim to Judea or Samaria. The idea that the Israelis can't have foreign embassies put in their own capital, is allowing radical Islamic terror groups like Hezbollah and Hamas to have a veto. The indigenous peoples in this area were the Jews. After that, the Democrat party is out to destroy everything and anything in its path and works very closely with the praetorian guard media, especially CNN. They drag out these Ivy League professors to tell us that Trump has committed impeachable offenses yet can't even name the crime of offense. Then we have Chuck Schumer out there who wants the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General to resign. Meanwhile where is the Republican leadership, Mitch McConnell, John Thune and John Cornyn? They are not only not charismatic but are pathetic and fail to articulate conservative principles. Finally, the Washington Post, through anonymous sources, has reported that Trump has revealed classified information to the Russian Ambassador and Foreign Minister. Why should we believe the Washington Post which prints propaganda? Tillerson, Dina Powell, and H.R. McMaster were all in the room with Trump during the meeting and all say that no classified information was revealed. This is absurd and will be the next drumbeat. According to McMaster, at a press briefing on Monday, it didn’t happen. McMaster could not have been clearer. The media has been trying to take out the President from day one. Their go to people are the Democrats on Capitol Hill. Which Democrats and which members of the Intelligence Committee were briefed?