5/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Does the Republican healthcare plan repeal Obamacare or any significant part of it? Some say it repeals taxes, but so does actually addressing tax policies. Republicans needed a win and that seemed to be their only goal. The American Healthcare Act is still government healthcare with subsidies. The Republican Party now supports federal government run healthcare. Republicans are for serving Socialism through debt whereas Democrats do it by raising taxes. The utopian goal of a single payer system by the Democrats is what is creating this problem in the first place. How do you make healthcare more affordable? You drive down costs through innovation and competition. That is what we used to do. Later, Donald Berwick (former Obama Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) let the cat out of the bag in 2008 when he said any civilized healthcare must redistribute wealth. And who will decide what polices you can have or what care you can get? The government. Also, Obamacare for the left is not about healthcare or preexisting conditions, but is about a constant push to a centralized state. We can never go back to healthcare system largely uncontrolled by the federal government. The statists won’t give up the reins of power because they are the evil masterminds. They wrap it all in the notion of compassion and standing up for the little guy. Whatever the issue is, the agenda is to drive us away from individual liberty and constitutionalism. The principles of our Founders and those written in the Declaration of Independence are largely rejected.