5/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: James Comey has been informed by President Trump that he has been terminated. Trump acted on the recommendation of AG Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein has been determined that Comey cannot not effectively lead the bureau and there is now a search for new leadership. This is obviously about Comey's decision in July of 2016 to release information and lay out the case for not indicting Hillary Clinton. Notice that Barack Obama didn’t fire him. Comey was a loose cannon and drama king. Also, the Democrats, in chorus, are now claiming that Comey's firing compels the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Russia, among other things. Totally predictable. The Democrats and the media will try to turn this into a Watergate-like scandal despite the complete lack of any parallels. They are all excited with their talking points of Russia, the Saturday Night Massacre all over again, and Watergate. And the media are very upset that it was not leaked in advanced to them. The truth is, Comey should have been fired and Hillary Clinton should have been indicted. She endangered our national security through her careless handling of emails. She set up a private server in her home to get around the official system and violated the federal statute and tried to cover it up. Trump needs to go on offense and call out Chuck Schumer and the Democrats for the politicization of this.