5/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Anyone attempting to compare James Comey’s firing to Nixon’s Saturday night massacre is a legal and historical illiterate. One key difference is in the context of the two narratives. Trump wasn’t, like Nixon, attempting to stop a special prosecutor from doing his job. Rather, he was following the advice of the memo drafted by deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, a career prosecutor confirmed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in the Senate. Who do you trust? This deputy attorney general, who has spent a lifetime in the law, or Chuck Schumer, a partisan political hack, who has spent a lifetime as a demagogue? Also, Democrats want a special prosecutor to look into the reasons for Trump firing Comey. If we are going to appoint a special prosecutor, appoint one to prosecute Hillary Clinton and her mishandling of classified information. After that, did Trump issue an order saying no more investigation of Russia collusion? No. Can Schumer name one Russian who colluded with Trump to help him win election? He can’t because there wasn’t one. James Clapper has said there is no evidence of collusion. However, there is lots of evidence that the Obama Administration surveilled the Trump campaign. Finally, David Garrow calls in to discuss his new book, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama”. The book explains that before Michelle, Barack asked another woman to marry him, but politics got in the way.