Internet Marketing: Insider Tips and Advice for Online Marketing show

Internet Marketing: Insider Tips and Advice for Online Marketing

Summary: Listen to the UK’s most popular internet marketing podcast downloaded by over half a million people. A series of insider tips and practical advice on how to get the best from Digital and Search Engine Marketing, brought to you by a team of experts from SiteVisibility and other leading digital agencies. We share the latest tools, techniques and strategies to help you generate online leads, sales and build engagement. We interview some of the most respected marketers in the world including bestselling author Seth Godin, productivity guru Tim Ferriss and Google endorsed analytics expert Avinash Kaushik. Produced & co-hosted by Andy White Find out more about the show at or

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 #472 The Importance of Conversational Copywriting in Marketing: Interview with Nick Usborne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:48

On today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Nick Usborne, copywriter and founder of Conversational Copywriting to discuss exactly that, Conversational Copywriting, it's importance in marketing and why it works so well.  On the show you'll learn: - Why it's important to write in a human way and try to be genuine and engaging - Why marketing automation is great, but shouldn't imitate conversational language - Why website aren’t just containers for words - If females make better copywriters than men - Why the web is an interactive medium - so you need to talk their language - Why you should give/listen first and why loaves will come back Plus Nick provides his top tip/key takeaway for our audience.  If you'd like to connect with Nick you can find him on Twitter here, on LinkdeIn here. You can also find his own page on the Internet Marketing Podcast here where you can get your FREE Guide to Conversational Copywriting, PLUS 3 Instructional Videos.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Latest in Mobile, International & Technical SEO: Interview with Aleyda Solis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:36

On this week's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast Andy is joined by Aleyda Solis, International SEO consultant & Founder at Orainti to talk about Mobile SEO, International SEO and the latest on the importance of Technical SEO.  On the show you'll learn about:  - What's been happening in Mobile SEO over the last few years - What the Mobile First Index is, how it works and the impact it has on search - The most common mistake businesses make when it comes to mobile - Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) - why it's important to configure it properly, make sure pages are well optimised and provide a good user experience - Why International SEO is important and why there's been a boom in bigger brands adopting it - Hreflang and how it can help with your International SEO - JavaScript and the impact it has on technical SEO  - Why Technical SEO is still important today Plus, Aleyda provides her top tip/key takeaway for the audience.  If you'd like to connect with Aleyda, you can find her on Twitter here, on LinkedIn here and her own personal website is here.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Future of SEO is on the SERP: Rand Fishkin's Keynote Talk from BrightonSEO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:20

On this week's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, we have a slight change to the usual format, bringing you Rand Fishkin's keynote talk from September's BrightonSEO conference. Rand is one of our SEO heroes, he's the co-founder of Moz, Founder of SparkToro and Author of Lost & Founder and his talk focused on Google’s behavioral shift over the last few years. Rand explains how Google has moved toward self hosted answers and solutions and away from driving searchers to other websites for the answers to their problems. He then provides his top tips and strategies for how we as marketers can adapt to these changes.  During the talk you'll learn: - How Google is now sending less outbound traffic than ever before - Where Google will show you self-hosted answers in their results - Why SEO is becoming more difficult as a result - The tactics and strategies that we can adopt in response  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The State of Marketing Technology in 2018/19: Interview with Scott Brinker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:38

On today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast Andy is joined by Scott Brinker, VP Platform Ecosystem of HubSpot and Blogger for Chief Marketing Technologist to talk about the state of marketing technology in 2018/2019.  On the show you'll learn about:  - The ever-expanding marketing technology landscape  - The democratisation of technology in marketing (and business) - The danger of losing the human side of marketing in a world full of automation - Whether marketing is getting better or worse due to democratisation of technology Plus, as usual we ask Scott for his top tip/key takeaway for the audience.  If you'd like to connect with Scott you can find him on Twitter here and on LinkedIn here.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

 #468 The Role of AI/Machine Learning in Ecommerce Personalisation: Interview With Jim Löfgren | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:57

On this week's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Jim Lofgren, CEO at Nosto to talk about AI and personalisation.  On the show you'll learn: - Why personalisation is growing in importance and why it needs to be a priority, especially in ecommerce - Why personalisation is a key part of customer experience and extremely important on mobile - The impact of AI on personalisation, how it works and what it can do - Tips for how businesses can implement AI - How your approach to personalisation should differ depending on the vertical industry you operate in Plus, as usual Jim provides his top tip/key takeaway for the audience.  If you'd like to connect with Jim you can find him on Twitter here and and on LinkedIn here.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 How SEO Insight Reveals the Content We Need: Interview with Charlie Williams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:55

On this week's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast Andy is joined by Charlie Williams, SEO consultant at Chopped, and Strategist at Screaming Frog to talk about SEO and how SEO insights can help to reveal the content that we need to be producing.  On the show you'll learn:  - How to know what kind of content to create and the content that your audience is consuming - How SEO works as a feedback loop - Why mindset and framework is just as important as using marketing tools - Charlie's tips for how to get the data that you need by using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console - Why user surveys can be a great way to inform your content marketing strategy Plus, Charlie provides his top tip and key takeaway for the audience.  If you'd like to connect with Charlie you can find him on Twitter here and on LinkedIn here and you can also find the slides from his talk on the same subject earlier in the year here.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Messenger Marketing & Mobile Monkey - Interview with Larry Kim | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:58

On today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Larry Kim, founder and CEO at Mobile Monkey to discuss Messenger Marketing and his businesses, WordStream and MobileMonkey.  On the show you'll learn:  - How WordStream was acquired - Why Larry started Mobile Monkey - The importance of messenger marketing  - Why chat is more engaging than email - How you can use chatbots to automate your messenger marketing - When you should be handing over to humans Plus, as usual, Larry provides his top tip/key takeaway for the audience.  If you'd like to connect with Larry, you can find him on Twitter here and on LinkedIn here. You can also connect with him on Facebook Messenger here.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Bullseye Marketing: Who Says Your Marketing Can't Be Better, Faster and Cheaper? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:14

On today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Louis Gudema, president of Revenue & Associates and author of Bullseye Marketing: How to Grow Your Company Faster, to talk about the idea of Bullseye Marketing & how your marketing can be better, faster and cheaper.  On the show you'll learn:  - What Bullseye Marketing is and the framework behind it - Why collaboration & communication between Sales and Marketing is key - The types of companies that Bullseye Marketing is suited to - The biggest challenges when it comes to implementing Bullseye Marketing Plus, as usual Louis provides his top tips and key takeaway for the audience.   If you'd like to connect with Louis, you can find him on Twitter here and on LinkedIn here.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

 A New Dawn in Programmatic Display Advertising - Part Two: Interview with Andy Hounstoun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:08

On today’s Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is once again joined by Andy Houstoun Product Director at Crimtan, for part two of his podcast on the subject of GDPR and a new dawn in programmatic display advertising. Missed the first episode? You can give it a listen and read Andy's blog post on the same topic here.  To recap, over the course of the shows you'll learn: - What programmatic display advertising is and how it works - A brief summary of GDPR and how it’s affecting programmatic display advertising - The impact and fallout of GDPR – what has actually happened since it was implemented? - How future legislation – EPR [Electronic privacy regulation]) will negate the effectiveness of cookies for tracking - How a focus customer lifetime value could be a safeguard against the demise of tracking cookie effectiveness - Plus, Andy provides his top tip/key takeaway for the audience.  Want to connect with Andy, you can find him on Twitter here, email him at or call Crimtan on +44(0)20 7821 6864.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

 A New Dawn in Programmatic Display Advertising: Interview with Andy Houstoun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:40

On today's Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Andy Houstoun Product Director at Crimtan, to talk about GDPR and a new dawn in programmatic display advertising. He's also written a guest post on the same subject for us and you can find that below the show notes.  Listen to the show and you'll learn: - What programmatic display advertising is and how it works - A brief summary of GDPR and how it's affecting programmatic display advertising - The impact and fallout of GDPR - what has actually happened since it was implemented? - How future legislation - EPR [Electronic privacy regulation]) will negate the effectiveness of cookies for tracking - How a focus customer lifetime value could be a safeguard against the demise of tracking cookie effectiveness Plus, Andy provides his top tip/key takeaway for the audience. If you'd like to connect with Andy, you can email him at or call them on +44(0)20 7821 6864.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Viral Giveaways - Inexpensive Marketing Tactics that WORK: Interview with David Kelly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:50

On today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by David Kelly, General Manager at KingSumo to talk about viral giveaways and the inexpensive guerrilla marketing tactics that work today.  On the show you'll learn: - David's favourite marketing strategies in 2018 - The best marketing tactics that you can use for free - What a viral giveaway is and how they can help boost your marketing efforts - How King Sumo can help you to get started with testing viral giveaways - How David went from customer service to General Manager at King Sumo within 3 years - Why LinkedIn is still an effective tool for outreach Plus, as usual, David provides his top tip/key takeaway for running a successful giveaway.  If you'd like to connect with David, you can find him on LinkedIn here and his personal website here. You can also find King Sumo on Twitter here. If you'd like to get David's checklist for running the ultimate giveaway, you can email him at  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 How to Manage PPC on a Small Budget: Interview with Lisa Raehsler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:32

On today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Lisa Raehsler, founder of BigClickCo to talk about recent paid search updates and how you can master PPC on a small budget.  On the show you'll learn:  - How Google has changed from AdWords to Google Ads - What Pinterest's Promoted Pins are and why you should be utilising it in your paid search campaigns  - The challenges when undertaking PPC with a small budget - How to manage your daily budget - How to determine how many campaigns you can afford - How to prioritise and set your Goals - Lisa's tips for how to narrow and reduce the scope of your paid search campaign through Geo-targeting, match types and more - Why you might want to consider click to call ads  Plus, as usual Lisa shares her top tip/key takeaway for the audience.  If you'd like to connect with Lisa, you can find her on Twitter here and on LinkedIn here. You can also find her post, 15 Tips on How to Rock a Small PPC Budget here.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 How To Keep Your Content User-Centric: Interview with Tess Underhill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:05

In this week's episode, Andy is joined by Tess Underhill, Digital Marketing Executive here at SiteVisibility and lover of all things UX! Tess discusses with Andy the importance of creating user-centric content and in this episode you'll learn: - How you can start learning about content design if you're a newbie - Why it's important to distinguish between a user's need and your business need when creating content - How you can be sure that the content you're creating is resonating with the intended audience - The critical documents you need in your business in order to remain user centric You can connect with Tess on Twitter @tess_underhill and Tess has also handily created an extensive set of additional tips and examples that expand on her podcast that you can find here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Inbound Vs. Outbound: An Interview with Ian Cleary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:39

This week Andy is joined by Ian Cleary, founder of RazorSocial and OutreachPlus. Discussing Inbound Vs. Outbound marketing, you'll learn: - How and why Ian developed Razor Social and Outreach Plus - Ian's recommended formula for content marketing success - How to scale your outreach with Outreach Plus - Why the days of driving to your website from Facebook are gone - Why you should value community engagement over broadcasting Plus Ian shares his #1 tip for marketing success! For more on Ian, you can find OutreachPlus @, RazorSocial @ and you'll find Ian on Twitter @IanCleary.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Podcasting: 12 years experience in 35 minutes: Interview with Andy White | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:24

On today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast we have a special treat for you! This week the tables have turned and it's Andy White, our hosts turn to be interviewed, by our CEO Jason Woodford to discuss his 12 years in podcasting, what he's learnt and where podcasting is headed. He also provides his top tips on how podcasts can be used within marketing.  On the show you'll learn: - How podcasting first started - Why podcasting is such a successful channel today - How people discover podcasts today - How podcasting has changed over the years - What's on the horizon for podcasting and what podcasters should be planning for - How podcasting can be used within the wider marketing mix - Which show formats work best and which are easiest to produce  - A step by step guide to how you can get started with your own podcast Plus as usual, Andy provides his top tip/key takeaway for the audience. If you'd like to connect with Andy you can find him on Twitter here plus you can find his personal website here.   See for privacy and opt-out information.


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