The Teri OBrien Show show

The Teri OBrien Show

Summary: Conservative Talk Radio at Its Best! Hottest Topics, A-List Guests, Analysis from America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess Because it's impossible to be free and ignorant LIBERALS LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK! "If you're going to tell people the truth, you'd better make them laugh. Otherwise, they'll kill you." George Bernard Shaw Teri O'Brien is America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess, or as the Democratic Underground says "she is scum." Hear it on Teri's Show on Sunday or somewhere else tomorrow. Devoted listeners have enjoyed her entertaining, informative and sometimes even snarky commentary on politics and popular culture on the legendary WLS, 890 AM, Chicago's radio home of Rush Limbaugh, WCKG, 105.9 FM, and in her many books, articles, speeches and blog postings. Broadcasting from a secured bunker in an undisclosed location in flyover country, outside the East Coast bubble and far from Left Coast insanity, Teri gives you the first opportunity to hear what everyone will be talking about on Monday. You can find out more about Teri O'Brien here: We won Red State Talk Radio's "Talk Show of the Year" Award for 2011. Previous guests have included: Dr. Walter E. Williams David Limbaugh (Crimes Against Liberty) Humberto Fontova (Chè Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him) Michael Patrick Leahy (The Ideological Foundations of the Tea Party) Stanley Kurtz (Radical in Chief) Grace-Marie Turner (Galen Institute) Betsy Hart (It Takes a Parent and From the Hart: Love, Loss, Marriage (and Other Extreme Sports) John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime and the new Debacle) J. Christian Adams (Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department) Jerome Corsi (Where's the Birth Certificate?) David Freddoso (The Case Against Barack Obama) Erick Stakelbeck (The Terrorist Next Door) and many other A-Listers.

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 Katie Pavlich on Fast and Furious, Obama's Bloodiest Scandal - Jun 24,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

While faux network ?news? reports waste the 22 or so minutes they have between commercials for incontinence products on foolishness like abusive brats berating a monitor on a school bus, Jerry Sandusky, & the world's ugliest dog, there is actual news out there. The Obama administration is engaging in a coverup that would make Nixon's crowd blush, complete with a a last-minute assertion of executive privilege. Watergate was about political power, and destroying Richard Nixon, who would never be forgiven by the Left for outing Alger Hiss. It caused a lot of turmoil and media hysteria, but no one actually died. Fast &Furious was about undermining our constitutional rights, & two American agents, as well as several hundred Mexicans, have been murdered as a result of this boneheaded operation. Katie Pavlich has written the definitive book on this unraveling scandal, Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Coverup. She'll join us today to tell us the story behind the story. Here we are nearly four years after B. Hussein was elected president, & finally many are conceding what frustrated so many of us back then; specifically, the true identity of the man who would soon occupy the Oval Office was being hidden by a lapdog media. Among those who tried to tell the public who this man was (and is) is Stanley Kurtz of Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a Contribuing Editor to National Review Online. He wrote the essential read, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. In his most recent piece for National Review, he wrote about what recently discovered documents, from Illinois ACORN and the Wisconsin Historical Society, reveal about Obama's membership in the extreme left-wing New Party. Speaking of that school bus incident, is it really surprising?

 Barack's Latest Bold Move Provokes Ugly Racist Attack - Jun 17,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Our Dear Reader very conscious of the fierce urgency of now and the fact that "we can't wait" takes matters into his own hands on immigration. It's not like he didn't try to work within that antiquated system set up by a bunch of irrelevant dead white European men. He gave it a shot, but they didn't pass the law he and Dick Durbin wanted, the DREAM act, so what is he supposed to do? Then, how is he rewarded for decisively doing what only he knows is best for us? By a rude racist rightwing reporter interrupting him, in the Rose Garden! This week's regime mouthpiece: David Plouffe on the Sunday Shows Get me rewrite-for that semi-literate thesis Moochelle wrote at Princeton, celebrating her awesome blackness. It turns out she's got white roots. Advice from Dad

 Holder on the Hot Seat, Obama Dazed and Confused - Jun 10,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

After a week of hobnobbing with his fellow celebutards collecting campaign cash, last Friday Barack Obama did a drop in at the White House for a pointless press conference in which he managed to reinforce two perceptions about him. 1st, with his statement that the ?private sector is doing fine,? he proved that the concept of free enterprise is as foreign to him as the concept of bathing is to his friends in the ?Occupy? movement. 2nd, his response to a question re the dangerous leaking of classified national security information that has members of Congress from both parties justifiably livid increased suspicion that he was either involved in, or at least, delighted about them. Now, there are 3 reasons that we can say with certainty that very senior members of his administration, if not Obama himself, are the leakers. Of course, even though our national security has been put at risk, we can all relax now because AG Holder is on the case. Fresh from being grilled by members of Congress over his many changing stories regarding his disgraceful and deadly ?Operation Fast and Furious? gun walking scheme, he appointed 2 U.S. Attorneys to investigate the national security leaks. If there's anyone we can trust more than Mr. Holder, who has made it his mission to sue any state that tries to protect our country's borders or the integrity of the ballot, and who is on the verge of being held in contempt by Congress, I'd like to know who it is. How is David Axelrod involved in the DOJ's "messaging," and how did Axelrod respond when asked about it? We'll hear the sound bites. In a shocking turn of events, there was a document dump from the White House on last Friday. OK, that's not a surprise, but the subject was. What did this latest release reveal about what we were told was going to be the most transparent administration in our nation's history?

 Obama Campaign's Desperation on Display - Jun 03,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Now that the Lame Stream Media creation "Barack Obama" (formerly Barry Soetoro) has been revealed to be as completely phony as the disingenuous "One America" speech that launched him into national prominence at the 2004 Democrat convention, the truth can be told: the legendary Obama campaign machine is a paper tiger. They have demonstrated that if there's a pile of excrement around, they will step in it: "war on women," Hillary Rosen, attacking Bain Capital. In their desperate search for a winning message, they've changed slogans more often than Moochelle changes outfits. As panic increases as reality sinks in in Chicago, desperation increases, resulting in leaking of national security information and efforts to facilitate vote fraud Meanwhile, the Romney campaign has come up with a brilliant message, one that is sure to resonate with a public sick of the disaster that is the Obama presidency. On day of release of hideous job numbers, Obama administration releases video promoting fundraiser featuring Anna ?Devil Wears Prada? Wintour, hoping the peasants will contribute to Obama's campaign to win a chance to go to dinner at Sarah Jessica Parker's house. Wait …Romney is a ?vampire? who likes to ?fire? people, but now your spokesperson is the boss from hell?

 Obama is Toast: American Spectator's R.Emmett Tyrell - May 27,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Memorial Day: the unofficial beginning of summer, & while it is a great time to relax with family, friends & enjoy delicious food and beverages, it should be 1st last & always a day to commemorate the courage and sacrifice of millions of members of the military that makes these celebrations possible. We have an unaccomplished, unqualified, affirmative-action assisted empty suit as Preezy & masquerading as a leader. Will our long national nightmare soon end?Desperation in the Obama campaign is obvious, from their deceptive campaign ads about his profligate spending, to their playing the race card to appeal to the emotionally-driven who continue to support him, but is liberalism really kaput? That's the thesis of the latest book from conservative icon, & founder of the American Spectator, R. Emmett Tyrell, in The Death of Liberalism. We're also delighted & honored to have (Ret.) Colonel Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D, from Family Security Matters stop by to reflect on Memorial Day from the perspective of one who served in Iraq & Afghanistan, & who questions Obama's eligibility to hold the office of president. 2nd Amendment Update: Military Edition. Latest on Michelle's excellent adventures, & the story that the LSM scrubbed about one of the Obama princesses

 Barack Obama's Kenyan 'Fact-Checking Error" - May 20,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

As we know, uncertainty is a huge problem today, paralyzing job creators, terrified as they wait for the next Obama shoe to drop. One thing that we can be certain about, though, is Barack Obama. We know who he is. Well, that's not technically true. As he might say, let me be clear, we know who he is, provided that we know what year we're talking about. In the early 1990's, when he was trying to sell the book, Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama was Kenyan. When Barry Soetoro was seeking a scholarship, he was Indonesian. When whatever his name is wanted to be President of the United States, he was 100% American. We'll discuss the composite character that is currently occupying the Oval Office with Jack Cashill, author of Deconstructing Obama, and also get his take on Mitt Romney's ?repudiation? of a proposed ad reviving the issue of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. We are delighted that he is returning. Just who are these ?peaceful? protestors arrested for planning to commit domestic terrorism at the NATO meeting in Chicago? Obama's identity politics, checkbox strategy is a non-starter for one prominent female TV journalist, who calls his commencement address as Barnard last Monday ?grating and even condescending.?

 The Man Who Exposed "Native American" Warren's Fraud - May 13,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Last week's news cycle shined an enormous spotlight on the ridiculous, irrelevant charade that passes as journalism in the dino media. Whether it's the incessant celebration of Obama's ?historic? ?evolution? on so-called same-sex marriage, in which he returned to the position he had in 1996, before arriving with an open purse at Clooney's house, or the laughably transparent collusion between the Obama campaign and the Wapo in breaking the blockbuster news re Romney's high school behavior, the evidence is in. Serious people who hope to be well-informed should not waste their time, and risk the potential loss of IQ points involved, by exposing themselves to propaganda broadcast on traditional media.The faux news of the week also reminded us that while Obama may be "historic," he is also a bully and con artist. While pumping out pro-Obama propaganda, our LSM friends have been silent regarding the campaign antics of liberal darling/current democrat Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. Did Prof. Warren game the affirmative-action system for two decades by claiming to be a ?Native American?? Our guest, Michael Patrick Leahy, one of the founders of the Tea Party, & author, is the man who exposed the fraud. Michelle v. Oprah? Say it ain't so! What is the best advice your mom gave you? What are the origins of Mother's Day, & why did its founder come to regret ever having the idea in the first place?

 We're All Racists Now,Obama Still Not a Natural Born Citizen - May 06,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Exactly 6 months from election day, it's clear that Barack Obama intends to spend that time criss crossing the country at taxpayer expense with his repellant wife in tow, whipping audiences of guilible children into an emotional frenzy, hoping that people will look "Forward," not at his failed record of last 3.5 years. Smarmy Chicago apparatchik David Axelrod attempts to deflect attention from that on ABC's "This Week." Another exploding cigar in the Obama campaign's face: Obama spikes the football over the inevitable killing of Osama bin Laden, we learn that he had a CYA memo prepared just in case things didn't go as planned. Author Harry Stein to discuss his book No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All, and to talk about his conversion from a lefty, red-diaper baby to a self-described "right wing pariah." Attorney Mario Apuzzo to disucss his litigation challenging B. Hussein's eligibility because Obama is not an Article II natural born citizen. What does he say about Marco Rubio, who appeared today on Fox News Sunday with some intriguing statements, including explaining his DREAM Act proposal, which he says is not amnesty for illegals. For a little comic relief, Joe Biden's appearance on Meet the Press this morning.

 Last Night's Nerd Prom, Trayvon Narrative Breaks Down - Apr 29,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Last night's ?nerd prom,? the annual WH Correspondents' Dinner where Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian & George Clooney rubbed elbows with their fellow democrats, both elected & unelected, the latter sometimes called ?journalists." As my Twitter followers know, O's routine was painfully predictable, but you might be surprised at some of the jokes headliner, Jimmy Kimmel, told about the One. Guest, professional comedian &all-around funny guy Tim Slagle, gives us his critique of Obama's and Mr. Kimmel's performances, & share a few of his insights about the issues of the day.Of course, we'll talk about Campaign 2012. Romney campaign must be quaking in its boots now that Team Obama has unleashed one of its most powerful weapons, Joe ?3 Letter Word Jobs? Biden. Reuters has reported that G Zimmerman has ?black roots,? how will that affect the LSM narrative? Do Rev. Al & his fellow race baiters have any complicity in several brutal violent attacks, where perps alleged that they acted because they were seeking ?justice for Trayvon?? An update on the issue of Article II ?natural born citizen.?

 The News Cycle Goes to the Dogs, the Dark Side of Earth Day - Apr 22,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

For weeks, it was the story that wouldn't die. Why wouldn't it die? This story has legs, actually four of them. It's the story of Mitt Romney's Irish setter Seamus, & his infamous car ride atop the family car back in 1983.Can there be any doubt, they said, that this story will resonate throughout the presidential campaign and inspire more doubts about whether anyone as wealthy as Gov. Romney can relate to average Americans? As it turns out, there can be doubt about that, & thanks to some tremendous investigative reporting into Obama's background, as in reading one of the One's autobiographies, the legs have been cut out from under the Seamus story. Many have pointed out that any dog would agree that it is better to ride on the roof of a car than to end up on the roof of someone's mouth as the Blue Plate Special. Amazingly, now that Barack Obama's canine consumption has been revealed, our Lame Stream Media friends have done a complete 180. There are real issues in addition to our limping economy, including the continued presence in office of a man who is a race-obsessed serial liar with a shadowy past. No, not B. Hussein Obama, although the words do fit him as well. I refer to the AG Holder, who has yet to explain his changing stories on the disgusting Fast and Furious operation. Did Holder withhold material information from the U.S. Senate prior to his confirmation, and will this fact, along with the scandalous way in which he has done his job, cost Obama the election? We'll ask our guest, Jim Kouri Law Enforcement columnist for the Examiner. One of the Sunday show panels featured the repeatedly-fired and always borderline nuts Keith Olbermann. You don't want to miss his theory of what's causing high gas prices. The crazy is strong is this one.

 Mommy Wars, Publicity Whores - Apr 15,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The 2012 presidential election has begun, & it seems less like an illuminating debate between 2 different visions of America & more like a series of contrived, LSM-driven ?controversies? designed to appeal to specific constituencies that Obama needs to reel in to insure his re-election.1st, the ridiculously transparent use of liberal activist plant Sandra Fluke to gin up phony issue about ?affordable contraception.? Then, seemingly on cue, exit Sandra, stage left, & bring on the Trayvon Martin, which should be a matter for local law enforcement & criminal justice, giving Barry the opportunity to send a coded message to the Al Sharpton wing of the democrat party. Current Flavor of the Week: the ?firestorm? set off by one of the Obamas' BFF's, frequent White House visitor (and probable Fluke media adviser) Hilary Rosen.Is it just a coincidence that the news cycle lurches from ?crisis? & ?controversy? over issues that serve to distract us from the real issue affecting every American's life, the stagnant economy & abysmal failures of Barack Obama? We'll ask our guest Ann Kane of the Potter Williams Report who argues in a recent American Thinker piece that the Obama campaign is not upset by the Hilary Rosen ?gaffe.? On the contrary, it has them delighted.Your very first opportunity to hear the hottest sound from the Sunday shows. Barack Obama travels to Columbia for the Summit of the Americas, and once again manages to make it all about him.

 Obama's Gangsta Government, and the Trayvon Travesty - Apr 08,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:00

No phone calls on this Easter Sunday, enjoy this special show featuring David Freddoso, author of Gangsta Government, Cong. Thaddeus McCotter and the Critiquelator expounds on the race hucksters in the Trayvon Martin case. For more details, please visit

 What Obamacare is really about: "Fairness" v. Freedom - Apr 01,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

2nd least talented person on TV, Client #9 Spitzer. (Least talented? Chelsea Clinton) Guest, Van Irion (Liberty Legal Foundation) re the Court's orals on Obamacare. LSM dutifully recites Obama campaign talking point re Romney (filthy rich & ?out of touch), neglecting to mention that Barack & Mooch live in luxury, in part on us.GOP rising stars Ryan, Rubio, & Tea Party fave Sen. R Johnson choose Mitt. Rubio-is he eligible to be VP? Communist/ex Obama ?green czar? Van Jones says GOP should nominate Condi for VP & watch Obama campaign go nuts. T Moran tries to intimidate the Court. Matthews & panel, incl Dan ?fake but accurate? Rather praise B. Hussein's obnoxious comments about the Martin case, ignore the NBP Party's bounty on Zimmerman.

 The Truth About the Trevon Martin Shooting - Mar 25,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Isn't it amazing how much everybody "knows" about the shooting of Trevon Martin? From Al Sharpton to Jeb Bush, everybody "knows" that the shooter is, at best, "a little off," and at worst, a crazed, racist lunatic bent on murder. But what facts are our media friends not telling us? What did Martin's father say about the cries for help heard on the 911 tape? What was in the police report after the incident about those cries for help? On Friday, I called Obama out for playing the race card, as did former Speaker Newt Gingrich. What did Obama apparatchik David Plouffe, who made the rounds on the Sunday shows, say about that? How did you celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Obamacare? What do the results of yesterday's Louisiana primary say about the presidential race, if anything? We'll ask one of the founders of the Tea Party.

 The Truth About What Obama "Inherited:" Prof. John Lott - Mar 18,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

As our economy continues to stagnate despite record levels of debt, & the Obama administration stubbornly pursues policies that suffocate economic growth,he & his surrogates have ramped up their rhetoric, whining that the One cannot be blamed for his failures. ?It's not his fault! It's what he inherited!? they wail.Prof. John Lott has written a new book with Grover Norquist that demolishes these lame attempts to deflect responsibility. He'll join us to discuss Debacle. GOP's ?War on Women? continues. How else can anyone explain their opposition to the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act? ?How can anyone be against violence against women?? the average distracted citizen no doubt thinks. This law isn't about preventing violence against women. It's about doing violence to not only our Constitution, but to securing our borders. How can that be? Listen & find out. More unashamed freeloaders tell you why they, & their ?baby mommas,? deserve free stuff. Will Mitt land a knockout punch in Illinois on Tuesday? We'll ask Eric Kohn of the Chicago Tea Party. Join us Sunday for the rest of the story.


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