Barack Obama's Kenyan 'Fact-Checking Error" - May 20,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: As we know, uncertainty is a huge problem today, paralyzing job creators, terrified as they wait for the next Obama shoe to drop. One thing that we can be certain about, though, is Barack Obama. We know who he is. Well, that's not technically true. As he might say, let me be clear, we know who he is, provided that we know what year we're talking about. In the early 1990's, when he was trying to sell the book, Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama was Kenyan. When Barry Soetoro was seeking a scholarship, he was Indonesian. When whatever his name is wanted to be President of the United States, he was 100% American. We'll discuss the composite character that is currently occupying the Oval Office with Jack Cashill, author of Deconstructing Obama, and also get his take on Mitt Romney's ?repudiation? of a proposed ad reviving the issue of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. We are delighted that he is returning. Just who are these ?peaceful? protestors arrested for planning to commit domestic terrorism at the NATO meeting in Chicago? Obama's identity politics, checkbox strategy is a non-starter for one prominent female TV journalist, who calls his commencement address as Barnard last Monday ?grating and even condescending.?