Obama Campaign's Desperation on Display - Jun 03,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Now that the Lame Stream Media creation "Barack Obama" (formerly Barry Soetoro) has been revealed to be as completely phony as the disingenuous "One America" speech that launched him into national prominence at the 2004 Democrat convention, the truth can be told: the legendary Obama campaign machine is a paper tiger. They have demonstrated that if there's a pile of excrement around, they will step in it: "war on women," Hillary Rosen, attacking Bain Capital. In their desperate search for a winning message, they've changed slogans more often than Moochelle changes outfits. As panic increases as reality sinks in in Chicago, desperation increases, resulting in leaking of national security information and efforts to facilitate vote fraud Meanwhile, the Romney campaign has come up with a brilliant message, one that is sure to resonate with a public sick of the disaster that is the Obama presidency. On day of release of hideous job numbers, Obama administration releases video promoting fundraiser featuring Anna ?Devil Wears Prada? Wintour, hoping the peasants will contribute to Obama's campaign to win a chance to go to dinner at Sarah Jessica Parker's house. Wait …Romney is a ?vampire? who likes to ?fire? people, but now your spokesperson is the boss from hell?