Obama is Toast: American Spectator's R.Emmett Tyrell - May 27,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Memorial Day: the unofficial beginning of summer, & while it is a great time to relax with family, friends & enjoy delicious food and beverages, it should be 1st last & always a day to commemorate the courage and sacrifice of millions of members of the military that makes these celebrations possible. We have an unaccomplished, unqualified, affirmative-action assisted empty suit as Preezy & masquerading as a leader. Will our long national nightmare soon end?Desperation in the Obama campaign is obvious, from their deceptive campaign ads about his profligate spending, to their playing the race card to appeal to the emotionally-driven who continue to support him, but is liberalism really kaput? That's the thesis of the latest book from conservative icon, & founder of the American Spectator, R. Emmett Tyrell, in The Death of Liberalism. We're also delighted & honored to have (Ret.) Colonel Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D, from Family Security Matters stop by to reflect on Memorial Day from the perspective of one who served in Iraq & Afghanistan, & who questions Obama's eligibility to hold the office of president. 2nd Amendment Update: Military Edition. Latest on Michelle's excellent adventures, & the story that the LSM scrubbed about one of the Obama princesses