The Teri OBrien Show show

The Teri OBrien Show

Summary: Conservative Talk Radio at Its Best! Hottest Topics, A-List Guests, Analysis from America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess Because it's impossible to be free and ignorant LIBERALS LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK! "If you're going to tell people the truth, you'd better make them laugh. Otherwise, they'll kill you." George Bernard Shaw Teri O'Brien is America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess, or as the Democratic Underground says "she is scum." Hear it on Teri's Show on Sunday or somewhere else tomorrow. Devoted listeners have enjoyed her entertaining, informative and sometimes even snarky commentary on politics and popular culture on the legendary WLS, 890 AM, Chicago's radio home of Rush Limbaugh, WCKG, 105.9 FM, and in her many books, articles, speeches and blog postings. Broadcasting from a secured bunker in an undisclosed location in flyover country, outside the East Coast bubble and far from Left Coast insanity, Teri gives you the first opportunity to hear what everyone will be talking about on Monday. You can find out more about Teri O'Brien here: We won Red State Talk Radio's "Talk Show of the Year" Award for 2011. Previous guests have included: Dr. Walter E. Williams David Limbaugh (Crimes Against Liberty) Humberto Fontova (Chè Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him) Michael Patrick Leahy (The Ideological Foundations of the Tea Party) Stanley Kurtz (Radical in Chief) Grace-Marie Turner (Galen Institute) Betsy Hart (It Takes a Parent and From the Hart: Love, Loss, Marriage (and Other Extreme Sports) John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime and the new Debacle) J. Christian Adams (Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department) Jerome Corsi (Where's the Birth Certificate?) David Freddoso (The Case Against Barack Obama) Erick Stakelbeck (The Terrorist Next Door) and many other A-Listers.

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 The Truth About Those "Obama Phones" - Sep 30,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

All of us who thought that Flip Wilson had passed away back in 1998 were shocked to hear a gut bustingly hilarious audio clip flood the airwaves at the end of last week, featuring the return of Geraldine Then we saw the video and we realized it was not Geraldine, but a lucky recipient of goodies from Obama's stash. Predictably, once the YouTube video of this woman went viral, our friends on the Left pounced on what they consider another ?racist? distortion of the truth from the evil vast right-wing conspiracy. What's the truth about these ?free? phones? We'll unpack it on today's show. Speaking of the baloney factory that is the Obama campaign, today's designated mouthpiece David Plouffe almost broke my well-calibrated and highly sensitive BS detector on the Sunday shows, especially when pressed on the disgusting and incessant lies by everyone in the administration about the murder of four Americans in Libya. As long-time democrat Pat Caddell noted recently, this disgraceful episode should be Barack Obama's Katrina moment. Why isn't it? You know the answer to that last question as well as I do. Our fifth column media is in overdrive trying to help Barack Obama avoid having to defend his indefensible record. It's going to be up to Mitt Romney to hold his feet to the fire. Many have high hopes for that happening on Wednesday's debate. I have some advice for Mitt Romney. What say you? We'll also welcome Laer Pearce, author of Crazyfornia: Tales from the Tarnished State-How California is Destroying Itself and Why it Matters to America. Is California's economic disaster a preview of coming attractions for the rest of the country?

 The Mystery of Obama's College Benefactor Revealed? - Sep 23,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

On last week's show, we stated what was painfully obvious; specifically, that the murder of our ambassador in LIbya along with 3 other Americans was a ?terrorist act,? Now Obama administration has admitted as much, although they continue to lie about what really happened because doing so would highlight the failure of their ideologically-driven foreign policy. Meanwhile, our buffoonish media continues to hope that if they keep focusing on shiny objects, people will stop asking about the incompetence that gave al Qaeda their biggest victory against America since 9/11. Earlier,, we told you about the Saudis' apparent desire to assist B. Hussein's re-election effort by opening up their oil spigots. What does an obscure 1979 column by a prominent black Chicago columnist reveal about the mystery surrounding Obama's college records, including the funding of his education? Corrupt racialist AG Eric Holder and the Fast & Furious disgrace. The upcoming election presents our best, and possibly last, chance to repeal the Obamacare scheme. Our special guest, Dr. Barbara Bellar, will share her thoughts about why it's critical that we do so.

 Barack Obama and Other Enemies Within - Sep 16,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

With a little over than 7 weeks to go until Election Day, the Obama flacks who masquerade as journalists, have called the race officially over, based on polls which may or may not have been taken in the newsrooms at CNN, MS-NBC and the New York Times. Clearly, as they try to protect the Dear Reader, they hope that the American people will achieve unprecedented levels of stupidity by failing to connect some ridiculously huge and obvious dots. They claim that the killing of 4 Americans, including the ambassador, in Libya had nothing to do with Obama administration policies, but rather was caused by a ?disgusting and reprehensible? movie. The only problem is that the ?movie,? which is actually only a trailer posted on YouTube, has been up online since July. We are actually supposed to believe that? Seriously? Can it really be a coincidence that the last time an American ambassador was murdered was in 1979? Is it also a coincidence that these Islamic fanatics chose to suddenly discover and express their rage over this video on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks? And what about the anti-Islam filmmaker who donated a million dollars to Barack Obama's campaign? Clearly, the second coming of Jimmy Carter is working out just as well as the first go-round, both in terms of our stagnant economy and our position in the world. Another critically important question: do we really believe that the Obama administration is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon? Isn't it more likely that, like Madeleine Albright and other Carter re-treads, he laments the fact that the U.S. Is the world's sole superpower? We'll ask our special guest Trevor Loudon, co-author of Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.

 The Do-Over Party’s Do-Over Candidate, Former Kenyan Obama - Sep 09,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

David ?The Combover? Axelrod's review of the Republicans in Tampa is classic liberal projection. He calls it the ?Reinvention Convention,? as if it's the GOP that is trying to recover from an endless series of mistakes with one ?do-over? after another. such as, trying to put the ?No, Americana aren't better off? toothpaste back in the tube after various Obama mouthpieces stepped in it by actually telling the truth The do-over on moving the venue of the One's acceptance speech indoors because of worries about weather, as in ?we're not sure whether, even if we bus every illegal alien, public employee union member, retired teacher and welfare recipient within a 500-mile radius here, we can fill even half the capacity of the arena.? Most embarrassing of all, the do-over, re-inserting a reference to ?God? and to ?Jerusalem? as the capital of Israel, back into the Democrats' platform. It's now apparent that the man they presented as their candidate in 2008, Barack Hussein Obama, is a fictional character. Now we have the third iteration, the one who is no longer the One, who not only can't stop the rise of the oceans, but needs 4 more years, difficult years of sacrifice he tell us, to solve the problems he promised to fix in 2008. It's becoming increasingly clear that Barack 3.0 is really Jimmy Carter 2.0. Did the recently-ended convention help? Was Bill Clinton's speech helpful, or did it leave undecided voters thinking ?why can't I vote for that guy??Will the ousting on this bunch from the White House make America awesome again? We'll ask our guest, Frank J. Fleming, awesomeness expert, and author of the new book, How to Fix Everything in America Forever: The Plan to Keep America Awesome

 How Islam and the Left Sabotage America with Andrew McCarthy - Sep 04,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Our special guest will be National Review columnist and author of The Grand Jihand: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America

 Fact Checking Fact Checkers, & The Women Who Control Obama - Sep 02,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Next week, Barack Obama and his merry band of mendacious Marxists will convene in Charlotte, North Carolina to try to convince the voters that Mitt Romney is actually running against Bill Clinton, and that the last 4 years were just a bad dream. Unfortunately for them, most Americans realize that unless we rid the Oval Office of the scourge that is the Obama presidency, our country will be less Bobby Ewing and more Marion Crane. After the inevitable parade of pro-abortion nuns, victims of the all-powerful murderous Mitt, and representatives of various mascot groups, how will the One defend his record of failure? I suspect that they won't be bringing the styrofoam Greek columns this time. No doubt Barack Obama will be praised to the heavens next week, if not as one who can heal the rise of the oceans, certainly as a strong decisive leader. Our special guest, author and investigative journalist Richard Miniter will return to the show to to assert that the reality is the precisely the opposite; that is, Barack Obama is a moody, indecisive man, led around by the nose by Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. That's the subject of his new book, Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him. We'll also do our review of last week's GOP convention, including sharing parts of some terrific speeches, that got no coverage anywhere else, and give you the very chance to hear what the best of the Sunday shows. Plus, an announcement about an upcoming special edition of the Teri O'Brien Show. Plus: Paul Ryan told the truth about that Janesville plant

 Left Goes Into Orbit Over Mitt's "Birther" Joke - Aug 26,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Today we focus on corruption, crony capitalism and the redistributionist policies of Obama and his merry band of Marxists. Since the Jurassic media shows no interest in investigating and reporting on the lawlessness of the Obama administration, we're fortunate to have the tireless fighters of government corruption and secrecy, Judicial Watch, who are always at the tip of the spear in the fight. Christopher Farrell, Judicial Watch's Director of Research and Investigation, will join us to tell us the latest about their terrific work, including the New Black Panther Party case. Why would Eric Holder's Justice Department dismiss a slam dunk voter intimidation case against these racist thugs? Are the denials about the involvement of higher-ups in the decision true? In addition, we'll ask Mr. Farrell about Judicial Watch's exposure of your tax dollars being funneled into the coffers of another racist bunch of ?community organizers,? La Raza. What does Obama crony Cecilia Muños have to do with throwing money down that rathole? Speaking of Obama cronies, what about Valerie Jarrett's very sweet real estate deal in Cook County? Is it really just because she has a good lawyer? The Lame Stream Media is having its predictable cow over Mitt Romney's ?birther? joke. Isn't it clear that they are so terrified by any attempt to discover the true identity of Barack Obama that they must use ridicule to try to end the conversation before it begins? Barack Obama, who favors infanticide, income redistribution and repealing the work requirement in the welfare law, calls Mitt Romney ?extreme.? What's next? Michael Moore calling Chris Christie fat? On this anniversary of the passing of s the ?gender gap? real, and is so, is it time to stop women from voting?

 A 12 Step Program for the Recovering Obama Voter - Aug 19,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Obama's mouthpiece, the man with that oh-so-slappable face, Ben LaBolt, calls Mitt Romney ?unhinged? for calling out the One's campaign for its Chicago ways, but to really see the living breathing definition of unhinged he need look no further than his colleague Stephanie Cutter. Ms. Cutter is famous for her unforgettable role in John ?Lurch? Kerry's campaign, when she told us that the late Christopher Reeve had endorsed her man on his deathbed. Unfortunately, she was the only one who heard it. In her current star turn with the Obama campaign, Ms. Cutter is known for having to cancel at least one Sunday show appearance last week to avoid questions about her claim to have no idea about the history of the steelworker, whose wife Mitt Romney allegedly killed, after audio surfaced of her on a conference call with that very same ?steelworker? (read Obama operative). This morning she was back, and you are not going to believe what she had to say about the $716 billion that Obama robbed from Medicare to fund his health care scheme. In addition, Obama's buffoonish former press flack, Robert Gibbs turned up, and tried to explain what a wonderful boon the Independent Payment Advisory Board (read ?death panel?) will be for seniors and their health care. How did he answer Chris Wallace's question about Fast and Furious and the administration's executive privilege claim? Short answer: poorly. We'll share the audio. Clearly, buyer's remorse afflicts many voters who were conned by that whole hopey-changey foolishness of four years ago. One of them is our guest, writer and investigative reporter Craig Karpel has written a new book, The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter to help people like him who want to get well.

 The Serious v. The Celebutard - Aug 12,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

On this morning's talking head shows, the consensus was clear. Mitt Romney's thrilling choice of Paul Ryan has energized the conservative base, but given Barack Obama's lawless, radical record, that hardly seems necessary, so why do it. As usual, as long as there are clueless Lame Stream Media geniuses incapable of seeing what's going on right before their eyes, my work is never done. In many ways, Ryan is the anti-Obama, not a thin-skinned, narcissistic, TelePrompTer-dependent empty suit irresistible to voters short on information and long on bobby soxer crushes, but a thoughtful, scary-smart policy analyst who can make the case for limited government and free enterprise with coherence and common sense. But are campaigns really about educating the voters? Is that the way to win? What if it isn't? What can we expect in a second Obama term? Our guest, Brenda Elliott, co-author of Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed, will reveal what her research reveals about what Mr. ?You Didn't Build That? has in store for us when he's freed from concerns about being re-elected.

 Corruption, Cronyism and Obama's Crypto-Communism - Aug 05,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Since the Jurassic media shows no interest in investigating and reporting on the lawlessness of the Obama administration, we're fortunate to have the tireless fighters of government corruption and secrecy, Judicial Watch, who are always at the tip of the spear in the fight. Why would Eric Holder's Justice Department dismiss a slam dunk voter intimidation case against these racist thugs? Are the denials about the involvement of higher-ups in the decision true? In addition, we'll ask Mr. Farrell about Judicial Watch's exposure of your tax dollars being funneled into the coffers of another racist bunch of ?community organizers,? La Raza. A senior citizen, who appears to be certifiably insane & who may or may not be the Sen Maj Leader, takes to the floor to share fairy tales about his imaginary friends & their gossip about Mitt's tax returns. Could they be rationing psych meds already? I didn't think Obamacare fully kicked in until 2014! Perhaps there's another explanation. This geezer & his friend Mr. Axelrod has realized that, for all the advantages they saw in him as an opponent (Bain, his dog, his wife's horse), Mr. Romney's candidacy also presents an inconvenient & perhaps insurmountable obstacle to their re-election plans: he's not divorced. So the only play in their book, ?Smear the Opponent? is worthless, unless they can find another way to run it.That's why the old man is embarrassing himself. While many thought it, Ray Gaster said it, on the sign outside his Savannah, GA lumberyard. He'll join us to tell us why he thought this public rebuke was the right response to Barack Obama's ?you didn't build that? remark,

 Barack: Who's Your Daddy? Frank Marshall Davis? - Jul 29,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Obama's devoted supporters have tried everything, from repeated applications of Alinskyite ridicule to silent refusals to even acknowledge its existence, to get the issue of Obama's ineligibility to hold the office of President of the United States to go away. My belief that Obama does not meet the eligibility requirements of Article II of the Constitution has nothing to do with the many questions swirling around the President's birth certificate, although I do concede that it's highly unusual for a person to be born in two different hospitals. I don't care if he was born in the Capitol Rotunda. If he is indeed the son of a Kenyan Marxist bigamist, he cannot be an Article II ?natural born citizen.? Perhaps, though, we need to revisit that question. What if Barack Obama Sr. was not Barack the Younger's father? What if his father was an American citizen at the time that the future Barry Soetoro was born? In his new film, ?Dreams from my Real Father: a Story of Reds and Deception,? our guest, Joel Gilbert, the president of Highway 61 Entertainment, asserts just that. The mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco present a coast-to-coast troika of stupidity, and illegality, by demonizing fast-food chain Chick-Fil-A because its CEO pleads guilty as charged to the modern-day crime of supporting traditional marriage. Meanwhile, another CEO and his wife donate $2.5 million to support Washington state's so-called ?same sex marriage? legislation to universal silence. As the desperation mounts & panic sets in at Obama HQ, their mouthpieces descend even further into unintentional farce. The latest example is the rendless bleating about Mitt Romney's ?horrific stumbling? at the Olympics in London. Hearing them go on, you'd almost think that his linebacker wife had manhandled the Queen after they presented her with an iPod featuring Romney speeches.

 Liberals Never Let a Tragedy Go to Waste:Colorado Murders - Jul 22,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Whenever a lunatic goes on a shooting spree and murders innocent people, we look for explanations, as if there could be an explanation for what happened early Friday morning in Aurora, Colorado. This impulse to understand is part of human nature. Sadly, so is the existence of insanity and evil, neither of which will ever be eradicated. Nevertheless, the mass shooting in Colorado has given secular liberals the opportunity to demonstrate their silly and arrogant belief that, given sufficient control over their fellow citizens, they, with their perfect laws and regulations, could prevent tragic violence, and otherwise create heaven on earth. On cue, here they go again, exploiting these killings to promote their anti-freedom, anti-Second Amendment agenda. As if, given the depravity and premeditation of this maniac, anything could have stopped him from committing murder and mayhem. We'll hear some of the idiotic statements by the many stupid smart people talking at each other about this horrific event, and try to answer some of our own questions. Is it just me, or does it seem that our Lame Stream Media friends enjoy these tragedies a bit too much? Apparently the people in Aurora haven't suffered enough because today they must endure a visit from Barack Obama, who will no doubt get some lovely photo ops with the victims and their families. Perhaps he should stop by the jail and drop off a fruit basket for the shooter, since this story changed the subject from his channeling of would-be Native American U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren's anti-capitalism rant. Was the decision to suspend the campaign correct, or was it simply a way for the Obama campaign to implement one of the key strategies in their playbook, avoiding any substantive debate with anyone who dares to oppose him? ?The Dark Knight Rises? Is it a metaphor for the upcoming presidential election? Hear my review and share yours.

 Defending the Constitution: Col. Terry Lakin - Jul 15,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Unlike the One, B. Hussein Obama, most Americans don't take an oath to preserve, protect & defend the Constitution. We have seen the mockery that he has made of that sacred promise, and while millions of us are quite distressed over the lawlessness of the current administration, at the end of the day, what have we sacrificed to try to end it? One of our special guests today, Dr. Terry Lakin, sacrificed his 18-year military career, his pension, and his freedom for the Constitution. He'll join us to talk about his new book, Officer's Oath. Is Dr. Lakin another wacko ?birther,? or is his cause about something much more significant and principled? What would inspire a man to sacrifice so much over an issue that most Americans don't even consider anything other than a sideshow? Also: while the Lame Stream Media hopes to distract American voters with shiny objects like whether Mitt Romney worked at Bain Capital over a decade ago, and the outrage of Olympic uniforms made in China, Eric Holder continues to stonewall Congressional subpoenas and attempt to facilitate as much vote fraud as possible. Two citizen-reporters, who have done terrific work on the Fast and Furious story, have filed an ethics complaint with the D.C. Bar, demanding that Mr. Holder be disbarred. One of them, David Codrea of the Examiner, will tell us about it live in vi

 Will Obama’s Undoing Be His Social Security Number? - Jul 08,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

This week we'll ask whether Obama's undoing will not be the rotten economy, but his manufactured biography. It's increasingly clear that in 2008 the public was completely had, duped into electing a fictional character. Now, a dogged detective is demanding answers. Will Susan Daniels get the One disqualified from the ballot in Ohio? Of course, we can't depend on Ms. Daniels & the other tireless patriots who have been insisting that Barack Obama is not an Article II ?natural born citizen? to rid our country of the scourge that is the Obama presidency. If you could give Mitt advice, what would you tell him? Perhaps you might suggest that he shouldn't give his LSM enemies the opportunity to incessantly run stories featuring him in his speed boat. In an amazing coincidence, Barack, Michelle & the girls will not be returning to the $30,000-per-week resort on Martha's Vineyard where they have gone the past 3 summers, & he's travelling around Ohio, regaling audiences with stories about childhood vacations spent at Howard Johnson's. These delightful memories are no doubt as true as every other aspect of his amazing life story. Sunday shows with Bobby Jindal and pathetic Debbie Wasserman Schultz

 Obama, International Man of Mystery, Rescued by CJ Roberts - Jul 01,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Thursday morning when I first heard the results of the Obamacare decision, I recalled some words from John Roberts confirmation hearing back in 2005, when he referred to law as the ?the wise restraints that make men free.? Until I read the decision, I assumed that he must be finding some way to show great deference to Congress. In fact, it was just the opposite. As the always brilliant Justice Scalia points out in his dissent, Justice Roberts didn't interpret the statute. He rewrote it, and he did so in direct contravention of not only the Founders' plan, as expressed in Federalist Papers, but also in the legislative history. That's a legalistic way of saying Congress knew what it was doing, and it specifically rejected versions of the Affordable Care Act (I laugh every time I hear that name) that called the ?penalty? a ?tax.? He engaged in ridiculous gymnastics, sophistry really, first correctly stating that stretching the Commerce Clause to the point of penalizing those who don't buy something would make the federal government's power nearly unlimited, then proceeding to write an opinion that makes the taxing power of the federal government nearly unlimited. Why did he do it? We'll look at the theories, and then I'll tell you the real reason with the help of one of our special guests, who predicted in 2005 (!) that Roberts would betray conservatives. Why did he do it? We'll explore the many theories, and then I'll tell you the real reason, with the help of one of our guests, Ben Shapiro, who, back in 2005, predicted that Roberts would sell out conservatives. How did he know?


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