Fact Checking Fact Checkers, & The Women Who Control Obama - Sep 02,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Next week, Barack Obama and his merry band of mendacious Marxists will convene in Charlotte, North Carolina to try to convince the voters that Mitt Romney is actually running against Bill Clinton, and that the last 4 years were just a bad dream. Unfortunately for them, most Americans realize that unless we rid the Oval Office of the scourge that is the Obama presidency, our country will be less Bobby Ewing and more Marion Crane. After the inevitable parade of pro-abortion nuns, victims of the all-powerful murderous Mitt, and representatives of various mascot groups, how will the One defend his record of failure? I suspect that they won't be bringing the styrofoam Greek columns this time. No doubt Barack Obama will be praised to the heavens next week, if not as one who can heal the rise of the oceans, certainly as a strong decisive leader. Our special guest, author and investigative journalist Richard Miniter will return to the show to to assert that the reality is the precisely the opposite; that is, Barack Obama is a moody, indecisive man, led around by the nose by Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. That's the subject of his new book, Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him. We'll also do our review of last week's GOP convention, including sharing parts of some terrific speeches, that got no coverage anywhere else, and give you the very chance to hear what the best of the Sunday shows. Plus, an announcement about an upcoming special edition of the Teri O'Brien Show. Plus: Paul Ryan told the truth about that Janesville plant