The Teri OBrien Show show

The Teri OBrien Show

Summary: Conservative Talk Radio at Its Best! Hottest Topics, A-List Guests, Analysis from America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess Because it's impossible to be free and ignorant LIBERALS LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK! "If you're going to tell people the truth, you'd better make them laugh. Otherwise, they'll kill you." George Bernard Shaw Teri O'Brien is America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess, or as the Democratic Underground says "she is scum." Hear it on Teri's Show on Sunday or somewhere else tomorrow. Devoted listeners have enjoyed her entertaining, informative and sometimes even snarky commentary on politics and popular culture on the legendary WLS, 890 AM, Chicago's radio home of Rush Limbaugh, WCKG, 105.9 FM, and in her many books, articles, speeches and blog postings. Broadcasting from a secured bunker in an undisclosed location in flyover country, outside the East Coast bubble and far from Left Coast insanity, Teri gives you the first opportunity to hear what everyone will be talking about on Monday. You can find out more about Teri O'Brien here: We won Red State Talk Radio's "Talk Show of the Year" Award for 2011. Previous guests have included: Dr. Walter E. Williams David Limbaugh (Crimes Against Liberty) Humberto Fontova (Chè Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him) Michael Patrick Leahy (The Ideological Foundations of the Tea Party) Stanley Kurtz (Radical in Chief) Grace-Marie Turner (Galen Institute) Betsy Hart (It Takes a Parent and From the Hart: Love, Loss, Marriage (and Other Extreme Sports) John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime and the new Debacle) J. Christian Adams (Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department) Jerome Corsi (Where's the Birth Certificate?) David Freddoso (The Case Against Barack Obama) Erick Stakelbeck (The Terrorist Next Door) and many other A-Listers.

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  • Artist: Teri OBrien
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 "Native Born Citizen?"Don't Think So:The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 17,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:09:00

Self-Important Media Gasbag Jon Meacham has a PBS show called "Need to Know," not that anyone would know that because it's broadcast in apparent secrecy. Because I watch so you don't have to, though, I shared his apparent confusion about Article II of the U.S. Constitution. It's "natural born citizen," Jon, not "native born." He must have been in "Professor" Barack Obama's Con Law class. CNN Newsreader John King could use a review of basic civics. He needed Orly Tates to remind him that states conduct elections. A rare moment of agreement between Teri and Jon Stewart, both of whom noticed a temporary lapse in our Sham WOW (Walks on Water) president's legendary erudition. Obama admin buffoon Ray LaHood explains that he won't tolerate an air traffic controller falling asleep on the job. Well, not more than 3 times anyway. Celebutard goof Whoopie Goldberg mocks those who suggest that the "group" who decides that candidates are qualified to run for president didn't notice that he wasn't born in the U.S. "Group?" You mean the Founders and their pesky Constitution? Along with stories about a Playboy model's photo shoot, Mouchelle uses her daughters AGAIN for campaigning. Even better, our troops get to be mascots for Obama 2012!!

 Roots of Obama's Rage: Dinesh DSouza, The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 10,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Dinesh D'Souza, director of the terrific new film "2016," based the movie on the book Roots of Obama's Rage. He joined us to talk about it. I watch so you don't have to, so I endured the insufferable and predicatable recitation of threadbare bumper sticker slogans by Obama's campaign apparatchik with a really bad haircut, David Plouffe. He appeared on all the Sunday shows touting the benefits of ?compromise,? like that ?compromise? about funding America's number one abortion provider Planned Parenthood. What accounts for Obama's hostility toward the idea of American exceptionalism? We asked our special guest Dinesh D'Souza, , whose latest book, Roots of Obama's Rage, attempts to address that question. We also discussed whether B. Hussein Obama is an Article II ?natural born citizen,? eligible to be President of the United States. Would you date a liberal?

 The Grandmother Who Stood Up to Wisconsin Union Thugs:The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 03,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

We were delighted to welcome as a special guest, fresh from her appearances on “Your World with Neil Cavuto” and “America Live” on Fox News, and the day before her appearance on “On the Record with Greta Van Sustreren,” Union Grove, Wisconsin entrepreneur Dawn Bobo, whose refusal to be intimidated by union thugs has made her a national hero. You will be inspired and delighted to hear her story of American courage and determination. They didn’t know what they were messing with when they decided to threaten this plucky grandmother. Don’t miss hearing her story of triumph and success over multiple obstacles! In our Culture Watch, “How to Pick Up Girls, 21st Century Style." Sunday Show Update: Paul Ryan brilliantly explains that we don't have a tax problem. We have a spending problem. Illinois' pudgy huckster, who once slandered our troops as the equivalent of Nazis, suddenly expresses concern for them and how they will be effected by the inexplicable publicity given Koran-burning preacher Terry Jones. Plus the return of the man who is certified black enough to bust the Left, the Critiquelator.

 How Obama Got Elected and Sarah Palin Was Targeted: The Teri O'Brien Show - Mar 27,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 Barack and Awe-Bombs Away and So's the One!: The Teri O'Brien Show - Mar 20,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The president finally, after receiving that all-important U.N blessing, took action to do something about the bloodshed in Libya. Of course, by “the president,” I mean Hillary Clinton. A consensus is forming that it was she who persuaded our ever “present” (as in that’s how he votes) current occupant of the Oval Office to do something other than read a few lame platitudes from his TelePrompter about our “values,” and proclaim self-righteously that Khaddafy must go before heading out to the links. Could she have a hidden agenda? You’d think the Left would be delighted with their Dear Reader’s decision to act against Khaddafy. After all, unlike that evil unilateralist cowboy, George W. Bush aka “Chimpy McHitler,” who needed only the approval of the U.S. Congress to initiate his action to oust a brutal Middle Eastern dictator, B. Hussein had his priorities straight. Bush got the approval of Congress, but not that of the U.N., before taking action to implement what had been U.S. policy since his predecessor had been president; that is, regime change in Iraq. B. Hussein Obama, clearly an American leader who appreciates that, at best, America is just another country among equals, realizes that it’s the approval of the U.N. that matters. Congress? You mean that bunch that mostly represents those bitter-clinging, mouth breathers in Flyover Country? I don’t think so! The turmoil in Libya and the horrific human suffering in Japan have given union thugs in Wisconsin the opportunity to issue their death threats and otherwise live down to our expectations in their endless campaign to undo the effects of the 2010 election. Speaking of living down to our expectations, the vigilant truth seekers in the Jurassic media have turned a blind eye to this disgusting, vile behavior. What happened to civility? What happened to liberals concern about “hate speech?” Is the birther issue Barack Obama’s ace in the hole? The Critiquelator weighs in about the situation in Libya.

 Barry: Maybe You Should Invite Khaddafy to Your Next Anti-Bullying Summit: The Teri O'Brien Show - Mar 13,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The two primary characteristics of the incompetent Obama administration, lawlessness and lack of leadership, are on prominent display as the Libyan dictator uses his air force to strafe and shoot protestors and the horrific images from Japan overwhelm our senses. And where is our Sham WOW (Walks on Water) current occupant of the Oval Office? On the golf course, of course! What is Article 75? The latest lawless act of His Highness Barack, this time on Gitmo A Useful Idiot of the Week, who is also a Plain Old idiot, and (natch) a member of the LSM (Lame Stream Media) Special Guest, part of our "Real Journalist" series: Jim Hoft, proprietor of Gateway Pundit, who exposed what we expected about Rep. Keith Ellison's phony tears at Rep. Peter King's hearings on radical Islam Eric Holder and Janet Incompetano's complicity in the murder of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry Breaking news: the resignation of State Dept spokesman P.J. Crowley, not for claiming equivalency between Giffords shooting and Frankurt murders of U.S. servicemen, but for suggesting that Lady Gaga-loving, Wikileaker Manning might be being mistreated while in military custody Who Said It segment: this moron claims Planned Parenthood is most trusted organization in America. Seriously. The Critiquelator's take on Libya Soldier and loyal best friend (4 legged variety) make last journey together

 Willful Blindness: Note to Obama. Political Correctness Kills - Mar 06,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Why are all the members of the Obama administration, from the One himself down, so determined to impersonate ostriches when it comes to the issue of the issue of militant Islam? I think that we are all familiar with liberals’ amazing ability to see things that aren’t there, such as mysterious “emanations” from “penumbras” that the Founders never envisioned in their wildest dreams, while at the same time being completely blind to the reality in front on them, such “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” Nowhere has this perplexing habit been on more obvious display than the Obama administration’s tap-dancing around the issue of politicized Islamic extremism. Why, even after the recent murder of two U.S. servicemen in Frankfurt last Wednesday by a jihadist-slogan screeching shooter, did the president refer to searching for the “perpetrators,” as if we are looking for some guy who knocked over a convenience market? Is he mystified as to what could possibly have motivated this deliberate attack on members of the American armed forces? Really? Note to Barack: as your pal Stuart Smalley likes to say “denial is not just a river in Egypt." 2nd amendment update, featuring former Eliot Spitzer wannabee and current IL AG Lisa Madigan’s joining the liberal democrat jihad against law-abiding gun owners in her state, The Truth About Planned Parenthood from Abby Johnson, whose new book Unplanned describes her journey from Planned Parenthood director to pro-life activist. How could someone go from eight years of enthusiastically promoting the “pro choice” agenda to believing that all abortions are wrong in a matter of minutes? The Critiquelator, certified black enough to critique and interpret the deception of the Left, weighs in about the Obama administration's complicity in the murder of a U.S. Border agent.

 Back to the Future: The Teri O'Brien Show - Feb 27,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

This week’s show was all about time travel. We got a call from a listener in Australia, literally calling us from Monday, 2/28/11. As public union thugs in Wisconsin fight to undo last November's election, our Sham WOW (Walks on Water) chief executive tries some time travel of his own. In the latest example of the breathtaking lawlessness that has been his administration's most prominent characteristic, his Royal Highness announced that he would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, probably the first time in US history that a president has attempted to veto a law that was passed 15 years before he was elected. Maybe he is a man-god after all! We also enjoyed a flash from the past, a mashup of Hollywood and the Left’s legendary “civility,” when Alec Baldwin screeched that we should kill the late Congressman Henry Hyde. We discussed the real reason that B. Hussein hasn't been walking that picket line as he promised he would as a candidate; specifically, that the federal government applies the same rules to its employees that Gov. Walker wants to apply to public employees in Wisconsin And, as the original bin Laden, Lockerbie murderer/fashion icon Khaddifi shoots his own people, raves and rants, and gas prices approach $4/gallon, Barack and Moochelle party with Motown stars, including, Nick Jonas. Nick Jonas? It sounded like karaoke night in Omaha. Plus, more reality and truth: about Charlie Sheen, as we enjoy his latest rant.

 Barack: Who's Your Daddy? Jack Cashill on The Teri O'Brien Show - Feb 20,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Barack Obama's reputation as brilliant, even a genius, was based on two things: his ability to read from a TelePrompTer and his supposedly breathtakingly erudite memoir "Dreams from My Father." But did he actually write the book? And regardless, is the story it tells true? We'll explore these issues with our very guest Jack Cashill, prolific author, whose latest book "Deconstructing Obama" explores these questions, and also other issues resulting from the traditional media's lack of curiosity about Barack Obama's shadowy background. In addition, we'll talk about the Chicago Way on display in Wisconsin, and you can weigh in on whether its appropriate for the President of the United States to insinuate himself into the affairs of a sovereign state by whipping up chaos in the service of his public employee union pets.

 Education Bureaucracy Threatens Home Schoolers, The Teri O'Brien Show - Feb 13,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 Barack, You're No Ronald Reagan, The Teri O'Brien Show - Feb 06,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

BROADCASTING FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION IN A SECURED BUNKER IN FLYOVER COUNTRY EVERY SUNDAY 4:00-6:00 P CENT LIVE IN VIVID RED WHITE AND BLUE Welcome patriots, constitutionalists, and similar dangerous thinkers and even members of the Oprah audience, but I warn you, Oprah devotees, wet-behind-the-ears obama zombies, metrosexuals and other liberals: repeated exposure to the Teri O’Brien Show may result in your being detoxed Very special Super Sunday celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan If you missed this show, you missed a barn burner. Actually, I’ve never really understood the expression “barn burner,” but I think you get the idea. We heard some classic Reagan sound bites, as well as some unintentionally hilarious news coverage from CBS news, election night 1980, featuring “the most trusted man in America” and other media types scratching their heads over the victory of Ronald Reagan. One guy actually got it right, pointing out that the American people were fed up with liberalism. How Chris Matthews is like a dog with SL (Smart Listener) Pete. The media whitewash of the Muslim brotherhood continues with CBS news reporting that there simply “misunderstood."Meanwhile the Obama administration continues to have more positions on Egypt than the Kama Sutra. The sad truth from a CNBC reporter about the latest job numbers specifically that there are 18 jobs for every 5000 required The Critiquelator gives B. Hussein a “cerebral laxative.” Marathon Pundit reported on his visit that very day to Tampico, the birthplace of Ronald Reagan. Barack Obama proclaiming his Christian at the recent prayer breakfast, caused me to question my own faith. If Barack Obama can continue to lie unabashedly, even about his alleged Christian faith and not be struck down by lightning, well I’m just saying…

 Radical Islam on the March: The Teri O'Brien Show - Jan 30,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

In advance of war over debt ceiling, LSM stokes class envy The truth about B. Hussein’s “pivot to the center” Wack Stack-how much does partying with Charlie Sheen help a career, plus don’t annoy senior citizens by banning them from the library Critiquelator-BHO’s birth certificate for sale!

 More Guns, Less Crime: The Teri O'Brien Show - Jan 23,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

We'll be joined on Sunday's show by another terrific guest, author, statistician John Lott. I think that John is nearly single-handedly responsible for the decline in support for the concept of disarming law-abiding Americans. His book, More Guns, Less Crime is now in its 3rd edition, and it's a must-read! Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy, The Teri O'Brien Show - Jan 18,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Please join me for a special weekday edition of the Teri O'Brien Show, in which our guest will be author James Delingpole, whose latest book "365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy" is a laugh-out -loud must read for all conservatives, and any liberal you can find who doesn't take himself too seriously. Granted that might be like searching the for "root causes" of social pathology, as our liberal friends have been doing for centuries, or seeing the penumbra emanations of the Constitution, but it could happen. Please join the fun! Plus our tribute to Martin Luther King Day.

 Twenty Most Annoying Liberals of 2010, The Teri O'Brien Show - Jan 16,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

John Hawkins, publisher of Right Wing News, joins us to share his list of Twenty Most Annoying Liberals of 2010. I know what you're thinking. How could he limit it to so few? It wasn't easy!


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