Back to the Future: The Teri O'Brien Show - Feb 27,2011

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: This week’s show was all about time travel. We got a call from a listener in Australia, literally calling us from Monday, 2/28/11. As public union thugs in Wisconsin fight to undo last November's election, our Sham WOW (Walks on Water) chief executive tries some time travel of his own. In the latest example of the breathtaking lawlessness that has been his administration's most prominent characteristic, his Royal Highness announced that he would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, probably the first time in US history that a president has attempted to veto a law that was passed 15 years before he was elected. Maybe he is a man-god after all! We also enjoyed a flash from the past, a mashup of Hollywood and the Left’s legendary “civility,” when Alec Baldwin screeched that we should kill the late Congressman Henry Hyde. We discussed the real reason that B. Hussein hasn't been walking that picket line as he promised he would as a candidate; specifically, that the federal government applies the same rules to its employees that Gov. Walker wants to apply to public employees in Wisconsin And, as the original bin Laden, Lockerbie murderer/fashion icon Khaddifi shoots his own people, raves and rants, and gas prices approach $4/gallon, Barack and Moochelle party with Motown stars, including, Nick Jonas. Nick Jonas? It sounded like karaoke night in Omaha. Plus, more reality and truth: about Charlie Sheen, as we enjoy his latest rant.