Barack, You're No Ronald Reagan, The Teri O'Brien Show - Feb 06,2011

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: BROADCASTING FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION IN A SECURED BUNKER IN FLYOVER COUNTRY EVERY SUNDAY 4:00-6:00 P CENT LIVE IN VIVID RED WHITE AND BLUE Welcome patriots, constitutionalists, and similar dangerous thinkers and even members of the Oprah audience, but I warn you, Oprah devotees, wet-behind-the-ears obama zombies, metrosexuals and other liberals: repeated exposure to the Teri O’Brien Show may result in your being detoxed Very special Super Sunday celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan If you missed this show, you missed a barn burner. Actually, I’ve never really understood the expression “barn burner,” but I think you get the idea. We heard some classic Reagan sound bites, as well as some unintentionally hilarious news coverage from CBS news, election night 1980, featuring “the most trusted man in America” and other media types scratching their heads over the victory of Ronald Reagan. One guy actually got it right, pointing out that the American people were fed up with liberalism. How Chris Matthews is like a dog with SL (Smart Listener) Pete. The media whitewash of the Muslim brotherhood continues with CBS news reporting that there simply “misunderstood."Meanwhile the Obama administration continues to have more positions on Egypt than the Kama Sutra. The sad truth from a CNBC reporter about the latest job numbers specifically that there are 18 jobs for every 5000 required The Critiquelator gives B. Hussein a “cerebral laxative.” Marathon Pundit reported on his visit that very day to Tampico, the birthplace of Ronald Reagan. Barack Obama proclaiming his Christian at the recent prayer breakfast, caused me to question my own faith. If Barack Obama can continue to lie unabashedly, even about his alleged Christian faith and not be struck down by lightning, well I’m just saying…