The Teri OBrien Show show

The Teri OBrien Show

Summary: Conservative Talk Radio at Its Best! Hottest Topics, A-List Guests, Analysis from America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess Because it's impossible to be free and ignorant LIBERALS LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK! "If you're going to tell people the truth, you'd better make them laugh. Otherwise, they'll kill you." George Bernard Shaw Teri O'Brien is America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess, or as the Democratic Underground says "she is scum." Hear it on Teri's Show on Sunday or somewhere else tomorrow. Devoted listeners have enjoyed her entertaining, informative and sometimes even snarky commentary on politics and popular culture on the legendary WLS, 890 AM, Chicago's radio home of Rush Limbaugh, WCKG, 105.9 FM, and in her many books, articles, speeches and blog postings. Broadcasting from a secured bunker in an undisclosed location in flyover country, outside the East Coast bubble and far from Left Coast insanity, Teri gives you the first opportunity to hear what everyone will be talking about on Monday. You can find out more about Teri O'Brien here: We won Red State Talk Radio's "Talk Show of the Year" Award for 2011. Previous guests have included: Dr. Walter E. Williams David Limbaugh (Crimes Against Liberty) Humberto Fontova (Chè Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him) Michael Patrick Leahy (The Ideological Foundations of the Tea Party) Stanley Kurtz (Radical in Chief) Grace-Marie Turner (Galen Institute) Betsy Hart (It Takes a Parent and From the Hart: Love, Loss, Marriage (and Other Extreme Sports) John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime and the new Debacle) J. Christian Adams (Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department) Jerome Corsi (Where's the Birth Certificate?) David Freddoso (The Case Against Barack Obama) Erick Stakelbeck (The Terrorist Next Door) and many other A-Listers.

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  • Artist: Teri OBrien
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 The Teri O'Brien Show - Jun 20,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Why must the Republicans fold like a cheap card table in the face of criticism from the Left? Yes, what Joe Barton said was in artfully stated, but when he said that B. Hussein's Tony Soprano act last week was a "shakedown," he was absolutely correct. The wrong people are apologizing, if you ask me. Lead Story: Message to Chairman Boehner, The Wrong People are Apologizing. A Shakedown is a Shakedown. Salute to Fathers Best Advice My Father Gave Me I Watch so You Don’t Have to: Chris Matthews Warns of a Dangerous Menace to America, Ordinary Americans Fearful of the Crushing Debt We Are Leaving to Future Generations Sunday Show Update: Rahm Emanuel’s definition of “consensus” (hint: it’s the same as Tony Soprano’s) Useful Idiots of the Week: Bill Maher and Oliver Stone, known for whining about his right to free speech, praises Hugo Chavez, most recently seen arresting reporters and broadcasters who criticize him Visit from the Critiquelator: More about B. Hussein’s Shakedown

 The Teri O'Brien Show - Jun 13,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 The Teri O'Brien Show - Jun 06,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 The Teri O'Brien Show - May 30,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

A special Memorial Day edition of the Teri O'Brien Show

 The Teri O'Brien Show - May 23,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

R Paul: Dr, you need to understand that there’s a HUGE difference between a graduate level political science seminar and a political campaign. Blumenthal: Why did the Liberal Death Star take out after him? I don’t know, but it can’t be because he has been lying. Yes, Conn AGl Blumenthal has a record of self-righteousness, but since when have those attributes been a reason for the LSM to criticize democrats? Being hypocritical or lying? There’s something going on here. SL Mensa-NY Times story about socialism being so over. Teri: “Thinking that you can have a theoretical, philosophical discussion about the Constitution and property rights with any news reader, particularly one on the 24-hr televised insane asylum (MS-NBC) is ridiculous. You may as well try to explain internal combustion to your dog.” The Undiscussed/Equally Outrageous Remarks from Mexico’s President Calderon-Lying about the crime rate in Mexico, and urging Congress to re-instate the so-called “assault weapons” ban. Mayor Daley, surrounded by body guards, took the occasion of the murder of a fine police officer/Iraq war vet to defend his idiotic gun ban suggesting he’d like to shove a gun up a reporter’s butt. Beggars Can’t Be Choosers? Yes, unless you are a public school student who wants a condom, Sunday Shows A first time caller reminds us of a condom joke from the Cold War era, and wisely explains why the public schools seem to be failing so much in their primary mission. Sam Donaldson provides irrefutable evidence that they must have stitched that toupee to his brain.

 The Teri O'Brien Show - May 18,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

A special "4th 1/2 hour" edition of the Teri O'Brien Show As always, the hottest issues of the day, pop culture and lots more!

 The Teri O'Brien Show - May 16,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 The Teri O'Brien Show - May 09,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 The Teri O'Brien Show - May 03,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

A special "4th 1/2 hour" edition of the Teri O'Brien Show

 The Teri O'Brien Show - May 02,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 26,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

a spontaneous 4th 1/2 hour of the popular regularly scheduled Sunday show

 The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 25,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

1st 1/2 Hour: Arizona Does the Job the Federal Government Won’t Do Teri: Whenever I’m looking for rational debate, and a reasoned discussion and someone to elucidate what’s really going on there’s no one I’d go to other than this guy (who else?) Just wondering: Will Barack Obama tell Eric Holder to look into whether murdered Phoenix police officer’s Shane Figueroa’s civil rights were violated? Boo freakin’ hoo: Federal appeals court rules it’s ok to defund ACORN 2nd 1/2 Hour: A Visit from comedian Tim Slagle Teri and Tim riff on Mark Kirk’s …shall we say, interesting and innovative ideas for border security (H/T Rosanna Pulido), “boobquake,” and other issues of the day. ? Teri: “I think that maybe there was an earthquake in his (Iranian cleric who bemoaned women who dress provocatively) pants.” Michelle and Barack’s excellent “middle class vacation,” and not to one of those food desserts the First Klingon likes to talk about. Teri: “When I saw this photo of Obama in the woods in North Carolina, I thought, “why is Obama hiking with Patrick Ewing?” Then I realized it was Michelle Antoinette.” 3rd 1/2 Hour: A visit from the Critiquelator-Arizona’s immigration law SL Listener’s heads up about Bill Ayers denial that he was a terrorist.

 The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 18,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

1st 1/2 Hour: Thanks to the Kane County Tea Party for Inviting Me to Speak AP Economic Stress Index Map-No Surprise Where It’s Concentrated It’s Official--well, it’s on the cover of Newsweek-Economy is Fixed After Almost 60 years, Lefty Activist U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb Discovers Day of Prayer is Unconstitutional 1st time caller Bruce gets the bell You’ll be shocked when you hear who appointed her. No, not really. Teri: “It does raise your IQ to listen to podcasts. On demand broadcasting is going to become to broadcasting what the internet has become to newspapers and magazines.” Teri: “If I can give an outlet to those on the Left who are still fighting mental health, I am happy to do it.” Teri: (re Liberal Death Star, aka the New York Times, story that U.S. is unprepared for a nuclear Iran) “It’s the biggest revelation since we found out that Ricky Martin is gay.” 2nd 1/2 Hour: Teri’s Larry David Moment-Suicide Isn’t Funny Teri’s Take on Returned Russian Boy A First-Hand Account of the D.C. Tea Party from Someone Who Was There 3rd 1/2 Hour: American Thinker Editor Rick Moran Checks In A visit from the Critiquelator-More Birthers Come Out of the Woodwork 2nd Amendment Update-April 19, not only Oklahoma City, but also Waco and Lexington and Concord

 The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 11,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 04,2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

GOP Sex Club “Scandal:” Aren’t the very same people who now say that Michael Steele should be fired because some underlings went to a “sex-themed” night club the ones who have been telling us for years that every type of behavior, no matter how deviant, is just another “lifestyle?” “if I were the Republicans I would say, ‘I’m just trying to be bi-partisan and have outreach to liberals and democrats.’ That’s what they should say.”-Teri Michael Steele’s mistake: thinking the Obama rules apply to him because he’s also black. Teri’s reaction to Cong. Phil Hare’s remark to a blogger: “I don’t worry about the Constitution.” Teri speculates on all the phone call this clown got from Emanuel, and his subsequent retraction, which looked like a hostage tape. Obama’s “Inclusive” Easter Greeting Contrasted with W’s. Michael Barone points out another way that Obama’s socialism destroys opportunity. New Feature-The Crazy World of Chris Matthews Birther Issue/ Which American Idol Contestant Does B. Hussein Resemble? “Is Michelle a Birther?”Featuring audio from an appearance by the First Klingon in 2007 to a homosexual activist group “American Idol.” This season’s designated fresh-faced teenage boy contestant--there’s always one--sang Bill Wither’s “Ain’t No Sunshine.” He has a fabulous voice, but something was missing. Of course, it was! He’s seventeen years old! He can memorize the words and carry the melody, but he doesn’t understand that song! He hasn’t lived enough. Similarly, the thin-skinned, pompous, phony, narcissistic radical leftist currently occupying the Oval Office has ZERO experience doing anything that contributes anything significant to society. Trying to shakedown government for more goodies for the mascots you are using to advance your slimy political career doesn’t count, nor does being a cog in the corrupt Chicago machine. He’s like Jimmy Carter without the military service or executive experience. For Links/References visit


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