The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 25,2010

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: 1st 1/2 Hour: Arizona Does the Job the Federal Government Won’t Do Teri: Whenever I’m looking for rational debate, and a reasoned discussion and someone to elucidate what’s really going on there’s no one I’d go to other than this guy (who else?) Just wondering: Will Barack Obama tell Eric Holder to look into whether murdered Phoenix police officer’s Shane Figueroa’s civil rights were violated? Boo freakin’ hoo: Federal appeals court rules it’s ok to defund ACORN 2nd 1/2 Hour: A Visit from comedian Tim Slagle Teri and Tim riff on Mark Kirk’s …shall we say, interesting and innovative ideas for border security (H/T Rosanna Pulido), “boobquake,” and other issues of the day. ? Teri: “I think that maybe there was an earthquake in his (Iranian cleric who bemoaned women who dress provocatively) pants.” Michelle and Barack’s excellent “middle class vacation,” and not to one of those food desserts the First Klingon likes to talk about. Teri: “When I saw this photo of Obama in the woods in North Carolina, I thought, “why is Obama hiking with Patrick Ewing?” Then I realized it was Michelle Antoinette.” 3rd 1/2 Hour: A visit from the Critiquelator-Arizona’s immigration law SL Listener’s heads up about Bill Ayers denial that he was a terrorist.