The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 04,2010

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: GOP Sex Club “Scandal:” Aren’t the very same people who now say that Michael Steele should be fired because some underlings went to a “sex-themed” night club the ones who have been telling us for years that every type of behavior, no matter how deviant, is just another “lifestyle?” “if I were the Republicans I would say, ‘I’m just trying to be bi-partisan and have outreach to liberals and democrats.’ That’s what they should say.”-Teri Michael Steele’s mistake: thinking the Obama rules apply to him because he’s also black. Teri’s reaction to Cong. Phil Hare’s remark to a blogger: “I don’t worry about the Constitution.” Teri speculates on all the phone call this clown got from Emanuel, and his subsequent retraction, which looked like a hostage tape. Obama’s “Inclusive” Easter Greeting Contrasted with W’s. Michael Barone points out another way that Obama’s socialism destroys opportunity. New Feature-The Crazy World of Chris Matthews Birther Issue/ Which American Idol Contestant Does B. Hussein Resemble? “Is Michelle a Birther?”Featuring audio from an appearance by the First Klingon in 2007 to a homosexual activist group “American Idol.” This season’s designated fresh-faced teenage boy contestant--there’s always one--sang Bill Wither’s “Ain’t No Sunshine.” He has a fabulous voice, but something was missing. Of course, it was! He’s seventeen years old! He can memorize the words and carry the melody, but he doesn’t understand that song! He hasn’t lived enough. Similarly, the thin-skinned, pompous, phony, narcissistic radical leftist currently occupying the Oval Office has ZERO experience doing anything that contributes anything significant to society. Trying to shakedown government for more goodies for the mascots you are using to advance your slimy political career doesn’t count, nor does being a cog in the corrupt Chicago machine. He’s like Jimmy Carter without the military service or executive experience. For Links/References visit