The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 18,2010

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: 1st 1/2 Hour: Thanks to the Kane County Tea Party for Inviting Me to Speak AP Economic Stress Index Map-No Surprise Where It’s Concentrated It’s Official--well, it’s on the cover of Newsweek-Economy is Fixed After Almost 60 years, Lefty Activist U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb Discovers Day of Prayer is Unconstitutional 1st time caller Bruce gets the bell You’ll be shocked when you hear who appointed her. No, not really. Teri: “It does raise your IQ to listen to podcasts. On demand broadcasting is going to become to broadcasting what the internet has become to newspapers and magazines.” Teri: “If I can give an outlet to those on the Left who are still fighting mental health, I am happy to do it.” Teri: (re Liberal Death Star, aka the New York Times, story that U.S. is unprepared for a nuclear Iran) “It’s the biggest revelation since we found out that Ricky Martin is gay.” 2nd 1/2 Hour: Teri’s Larry David Moment-Suicide Isn’t Funny Teri’s Take on Returned Russian Boy A First-Hand Account of the D.C. Tea Party from Someone Who Was There 3rd 1/2 Hour: American Thinker Editor Rick Moran Checks In A visit from the Critiquelator-More Birthers Come Out of the Woodwork 2nd Amendment Update-April 19, not only Oklahoma City, but also Waco and Lexington and Concord