The Teri O'Brien Show - Jun 20,2010

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Why must the Republicans fold like a cheap card table in the face of criticism from the Left? Yes, what Joe Barton said was in artfully stated, but when he said that B. Hussein's Tony Soprano act last week was a "shakedown," he was absolutely correct. The wrong people are apologizing, if you ask me. Lead Story: Message to Chairman Boehner, The Wrong People are Apologizing. A Shakedown is a Shakedown. Salute to Fathers Best Advice My Father Gave Me I Watch so You Don’t Have to: Chris Matthews Warns of a Dangerous Menace to America, Ordinary Americans Fearful of the Crushing Debt We Are Leaving to Future Generations Sunday Show Update: Rahm Emanuel’s definition of “consensus” (hint: it’s the same as Tony Soprano’s) Useful Idiots of the Week: Bill Maher and Oliver Stone, known for whining about his right to free speech, praises Hugo Chavez, most recently seen arresting reporters and broadcasters who criticize him Visit from the Critiquelator: More about B. Hussein’s Shakedown