The Teri OBrien Show show

The Teri OBrien Show

Summary: Conservative Talk Radio at Its Best! Hottest Topics, A-List Guests, Analysis from America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess Because it's impossible to be free and ignorant LIBERALS LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK! "If you're going to tell people the truth, you'd better make them laugh. Otherwise, they'll kill you." George Bernard Shaw Teri O'Brien is America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess, or as the Democratic Underground says "she is scum." Hear it on Teri's Show on Sunday or somewhere else tomorrow. Devoted listeners have enjoyed her entertaining, informative and sometimes even snarky commentary on politics and popular culture on the legendary WLS, 890 AM, Chicago's radio home of Rush Limbaugh, WCKG, 105.9 FM, and in her many books, articles, speeches and blog postings. Broadcasting from a secured bunker in an undisclosed location in flyover country, outside the East Coast bubble and far from Left Coast insanity, Teri gives you the first opportunity to hear what everyone will be talking about on Monday. You can find out more about Teri O'Brien here: We won Red State Talk Radio's "Talk Show of the Year" Award for 2011. Previous guests have included: Dr. Walter E. Williams David Limbaugh (Crimes Against Liberty) Humberto Fontova (Chè Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him) Michael Patrick Leahy (The Ideological Foundations of the Tea Party) Stanley Kurtz (Radical in Chief) Grace-Marie Turner (Galen Institute) Betsy Hart (It Takes a Parent and From the Hart: Love, Loss, Marriage (and Other Extreme Sports) John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime and the new Debacle) J. Christian Adams (Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department) Jerome Corsi (Where's the Birth Certificate?) David Freddoso (The Case Against Barack Obama) Erick Stakelbeck (The Terrorist Next Door) and many other A-Listers.

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 Surviving & Thriving in the Obamageddon Wayne Allyn Root - Apr 28,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Why the Obama administration stopped the questioning of Tsarnaev, and is in the process of covering it up FBI destroys Left's (and that includes the Obama administration) narrative about the Tsarnaev's--just a couple of disaffected kids who got "radicalized." What a crock! Liberals take the ocassion of the opening of the GW Bush Library to hysterically accuse W of rewriting history, while--wait for it--rewriting history Obama's White House Correspondents' Dinner Standup, praised by sycophants in the Lame Stream Media as self-deprecating, is really another finger to the bitter clingers

 Did Boston Bombers Blow Up Obama's 2nd Term Agenda? - Apr 21,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

As Obamacare continues to unravel, with one of its primary authors Sen. Baucus, who has apparently developed a stunning case of amnesia, predicting that it will be a ?train wreck,? Obama's two new hobby horses, gun control & ?comprehensive immigration reform? (read amnesty for millions of undocumented democrats) are suddenly less attractive after the terrorist attacks by the Tsarnaev brothers. Now we must endure the insufferable, and predictable, charade of hearing the LSM and other liberals wring their hands, searching for a ?motive.? Perhaps they could check out Tsarnaev's YouTube channel & Amazon wish list. Are these media bed wetters and other simpering saps kidding? Stay tuned for the equally predictable turning of these two mopes into victims. As for Obama's agenda, it's not difficult to imagine that as they cowered in their homes fearing for their lives, even the residents of liberal Boston might suddenly have less enthusiasm for disarming themselves. Did the Tsarnaevs' dad play a larger role in this episode? Did he pull the trigger on a sleeper cell after returning to Russia? Are there more bombings to come in the next few days or weeks? Who financed the older brother's trip to Russia & Chechnya, & where did he go? Why, after he was questioned by the FBI in 2011, was he allowed to fly under the radar, posting jihadist videos on his YouTube channel and otherwise throwing up more red flags than May Day in Havana? Did someone drop the ball? This latest horrific episode inspired the usual suspects to display their colossal stupidity & disconnection from reality. A liberal throws the BS flag when a guest on his show states that claiming equivalency between Christianity and Islam is ?liberal BS.? The prosecution rested in the trial of Philadelphia abortionist, Kermit Gosnell.

 Ex-Reaganite Joins Lib PottyMouth Maher's Call-End 2nd Amend - Apr 14,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

This week's issues, the 2nd Amendment and immigration. Sen. Chuck Schumer can't respond to Sen. Jeff Sessions question: will you continue to support your amnesty proposal if economists tell you it will further depress Americans' wages? Moochelle Obama travels to Chicago to shill for more pointless gun control, hoping that no one will connect the dots between the lack of enforcement of Chicago's ridiculous anti-gun laws and her emotional plea, which was, like everything else, all about her. A legendary female athlete, universally recognized to be a "strong woman" reveals the secret to a happy marriage; that is, being submissive to her husband. Former Reaganite joins liberal pottymouth's cry to get rid of the 2nd Amendment, and looks like a horse's hindend in the process.

 More Lies, Hypocrisy & Outright Stupidity from the Left - Apr 07,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:00

Exposing the lies about proposed new gun laws with Prof. John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime The Economy-from "Yes we can!" to "I give up!" Immigration-the Truth about Border Security New Low in Promoting Gay Marriage-Using a 5 year old College Tells Students: Be Nice Useful Idiots of the Week-Beyoncè and Jay-Zee

 WTF File How Did We Get Into This Mess? - Mar 31,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

As our economy continues to limp along, Obamacare begins its steps of destruction, & our media is obsessed with so-called ?same sex marriage,? it's also appropriate to ask, how did we get into this mess? Certainly it is the result of Obama's ongoing project to ?remake? (read ?destroy?) the country we grew up in and replace it with a Euro-style socialist paradise. We (1) knew that Obama was a radical who described the U.S. Constitution as document of ?negative rights,? meaning that he considered its system of limited federal power an obstacle to his grand plans and (2) understood the implications of that fact; specifically, we connected those dots, which lead to the inevitable understanding that a government big enough to give us everything we want is also big enough to take everything we have. Not so for the low info voters. Hillsdale College econ professor Gary Wolfram has written a new book designed to push back the frontiers of ignorance. ?The Capitalist Manifesto? does what I thought was impossible: making economics, specifically free market economics, not only accessible, but interesting. He'll join us to explain what we can do to reach the Lo-Fos and take back our country.2nd Amendment update-Obama continues to travel around the country lying about ?universal background checks? for gun purchases. He says we should feel ashamed for not supporting his idiotic, pointless gun control agenda. I say he should be ashamed for trying to use murdered children to trample on the rights of law abiding citizens. What say you? . Is there a deal on "comprehensive immigration reform?" The Obama daughters enjoy the ?Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,? How much did these trips, with the private jets, the Secret Service agents and other miscellaneous expenses, cost taxpayers? How was YOUR spring break, Bitter Clinger?

 Obama Administration's Stunning Admission on Border Security - Mar 24,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Last week the Lame Stream Media indulged two obsessions, one old, and one new. The former, their celebration of the anniversary of the tenth anniversary of the liberation of Iraq by demonizing Pres. George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and their new shiny hobby horse, the essential and immediate legalization of so-called same sex marriage, there was actual news that will affect you and your family. During a hearing in the House Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security made a stunning admission, one that went virtually unreported, even on so-called ?conservative? news outlets like Fox News. Do you know about it? If not, listen and learn not only about another instance of incompetence, at best, or deliberate malfeasance, at worst when it comes to securing the border. We'll discuss this shocking revelation with our guest Mark Kirkorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. We'll also ask him about Sen. Rand Paul's extremely disappointing statement earlier this week, an effective endorsement of open borders, and what about those Chinese baby factories in California? Is it time to put an end to birthright citizenship, and do we need a constitutional amendment to do it? A very special Second Amendment Update featuring bloated sack of fat Michael Moore, who was also celebrating an anniversary, that of his Oscar-winning crockcumentary ?Bowling for Columbine.? You are not going to believe what the Round Mound Whose LIes Astound has to say about the reason for gun violence in America. We'll hear the porcine propagandist. Plus, a little man with a big mouth and bigger wallet, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, displays his Napoleon complex AGAIN with a $12 million dollar ad campaign to defeat candidates who support your 2nd Amendment rights.

 Tea Party Fave, Firebrand Former Cong. Joe Walsh - Mar 17,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Say what you want about former Congressman Joe Walsh, but you can't say that he pulls his punches. He will join us, and I'm sure that he won't mince words as we talk about his new Freedom Movement, and his comments at Sunday's townhall meeting. Once again, he's in a center of a controversy of his own making, due to remarks he made at that event, in which he stated that Americans ?have grown stupid,? and are ?lazy,? and ?easily manipulated.? Is he right? If so, what does he suggest that we do about it? This week, Sen. Rob Portman put on a clinic about why the American people trust used car salesman, carnival barkers and television faith healers more than members of Congress when he explained that his son's homosexuality inspired him to change his view on the public policy issue of so-called ?same sex marriage.? Remarkably, some people criticized him. Seriously? If you can't do a 180 on the fundamental building block of Western civilization because your son wants to have sex with other men, what kind of country is this? The Lame Stream Media had a field day mocking the Conservative Political Action Conference, referring to it as a ?clown car,? but from here, it looks like the real clown car is Barack Obama's cabinet, from Sec. of Defense, Chuck ?I've Just Been Handed a Note? Hagel to Eric ?I Haven't Read it But I Know It's Unconstitutional? Holder, the current administration is infested with radicals and incompetents. Now, the One has proposed a man to be Secretary of Labor who is both a world class radical, and a racist, but also a probable perjurer, Thomas Perez.

 What's Really Behind Barack Obama's Phony "Charm" Offensive - Mar 10,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

What Exactly Does Chief of Staff for White House Dog Do? Whatever it is, it's worth over $100,00 a yearRand Paul's Filibuster Challenges Executive Power by Asking a Simple Question; John McCain, and Lindsay ?John McCain Jr.? Ridicule Suggestion That Federal Government Might Kill American Citizens. We Could Ask David Koresh …Oh wait.One of the Most Destructive Uses of State-Controlled Media, Good Morning America, declares that the economy is really really awesomely peachy. I wonder if they've seen the labor participation rate?Crazy Karzai Spoils Mr. Kruger's Visit by Saying Taliban is Working with U.S. To Kill CiviliansChris ?the Screamer? Matthews Continues to Be Obsessed with Former Vice President CheneyClinton's ?Growth? v. Jeb Bush's Pandering ?Flip Flop?How Liberals Interpret the Constitution-Queer Eye, Matthew Sheppard MythThe Truth About Matthew SheppardSome Women Upset with Sheryl Sandberg for Claim in New Book that Women Have an Ambition Deficit

 Obama's Sequester Con Blows Up in His Face - Mar 03,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

?Dumb, inexcusable and unnecessary.? That's what Barack Obama called the unthinkable, the thing that he declared last fall would never happen, the so-called, ?sequester,? mandatory reductions in the rate of growth for various federal agencies. Dumb, inexcusable, unnecessary, and also his idea, as it is now universally acknowledged. Here's the reality: The One rolled the dice and he lost. He bet that the Republicans would be unwilling to allow the Defense Department to see its budget reduced, and he was wrong. Now, he is engaging in a cringe-inducing, passive-aggressive game, one in which he says "If you don't do what I want, and send more money to Washington for me to throw down various ratholes, I'm going to inflict as much pain as possible on the American people." Doesn't he realize that the Lame Stream Media may be turning on him? This whole thing is starting to look like that Florida sinkhole, with Obama in the role of the guy who was swallowed. Our guest, Peter Wallison, Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy Studies at AEI, general counsel of the US Treasury Department and White House counsel to President Ronald Reagan, will join us to discuss actual cause of the financial crisis of 2008. That's the subject of his new book, Bad History, Worse Policy: How a False Narrative About the Financial Crisis Led to the Dodd-Frank Act. Surprise--the government, not the private sector, bears most of the responsibility, and ?community organizers? like Obama were instrumental in causing the mess in the first place. Whether it's the sequester or the housing bubble, perhaps we should adopt the same policy that I advocated back in the day when O.J. Simpson was looking for ?the real killer.? We should send the Celebutard-in-Chief a mirror. Justice Scalia has the Left even more unhinged than usual.

 Overcoming Obamacare, War on the 2nd Amendment - Feb 24,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

This week we learned that, in addition to his many other talents, Joe Biden is also a firearms' expert. Who knew? He offered the sage advice he gave his wife, specifically, get a shot gun & if you hear a noise, go out on the back porch and fire a couple of blasts. Note to Girl Scouts: don't show up unannounced at the Biden house! Could that shotgun, which the clearly clueless Mr. Biden thinks is easier to shoot than an AR-15, be banned by the Obama administration? Yes, says David Kopel, Research Director of Colorado's Independence Institute, Adjunct Professor of Advanced Constitutional Law, Denver University, Sturm College of Law, and one of America's leading experts on the 2nd Amendment. He'll join us. Sadly, our hopes of ridding America of the scourge of Obamacare, at least anytime soon, evaporated last November with the re-election of Barack Obama. Now that we're stuck with it, how will it affect you and your family? We'll get answers from Dr. Betsy McCaughey. Her new book, Beating Obamacare, is an essential handbook for protecting yourself. Despite what Nancy Pelosi said, you don't have to read the law to find out what's in it. We'l tell you today.Obama put on a clinic in demagoguery earlier this week, shaking his fists over the scary ?sequester,? that even Jay Carney has admitted was his idea. The administration's point man on the Sunday morning shows is the poster boy for the fact that politics is the last refuge of the mediocre, the buffoonish ?Republican? Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. He goes on the Sunday shows, and hilarity ensues.Oscar Sunday-it'sclear now why so many in Hollywood love the film "Lincoln." Plus Producer Thomas' list of conservative movies you'd love to see. Tune in today for the rest of the story.

 Over-rated White People, Femininists War on Men, Media Bias - Feb 17,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

How in the world did Barack Obama get re-elected? At least three reasons spring to mind, the media, women voters, and the Left. On today's show, we'll explore that question, and do more of that dot connecting with our guests, David Freddoso and Suzanne Venker. David is Editorial Page Editor of the Washington Examiner, His latest book, Spin Masters: How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Reelect Barack Obama, is loaded with stories that the Lame Stream Media didn't find worth covering during 2012, when important stories like Big Bird allegedly in peril, Mitt Romney's dog during a family vacation in the early 1980's and supposed racist ?dog whistles? took precedence over the worst economy since the 1970's and lies about the murder of four Americans in Libya. The Left has been on a decades-long campaign to destroy institutions that stand in the way of their plans to enslave everyone to an almighty State. Number one on their hit list is the traditional family, and at least two generations of women have been brainwashed into helping them achieve their goal by convincing them that marriage is a state of slavery. Instead, the feminists, and the popular culture, say young women should eschew marriage, focus on their careers, and strive to hit the sheets with as many men as possible, confident that they will be guaranteed the ?right? to eliminate any inconvenient tissue masses that might result. Can you say ?Sandra Fluke?? Suzanne Venker's essential book, How to Choose a Husband, powerfully refutes the anti-marriage drumbeat of the popular culture. Why does Fox News' Channel's Bill O'Reilly continue to help a Marxist supporter of cop killers have any credibility by putting him on the air?

 Larry Elder on Fathers, Jack Cashill on Hillary's Lies - Feb 10,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Sage of South Central, Larry Elder, will be our guest to discuss his riveting new book, Dear Father, Dear Son…Two Lives, Eight Hours, which describes his horrific childhood with a brutal father who beat him and his brothers on a regular, albeit not always predictable, basis. How did growing up in this environment shape his future, especially his attitude about fathers and their absence? He has spoken eloquently about the epidemic of broken families in the black community, but what about American society in general? We'll also ask him the case of former Los Angeles cop Christopher Dorner, now accused of two murders, and author of a bizarre manifesto. The Lame Stream Media has scrubbed references to Mr. Dorner's admiration for well-known media liberals like Chris Matthews and Piers Morgan, as well as his admiration for Barack Obama. After her star turn before the Senate, in which she received was praised to the skies for asking the brilliant question ?what difference does it make?? why four Americans were slaughtered under her watch in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton enjoys absurdly high approval ratings, proving again the power of the LSM to shape public perception. In retrospect, she's probably happy that she didn't have to take that 3 a.m. phone call. Neither did Obama, who was AWOL. We'll ask our guest, prolific author Jack Cashill, about ?Hillary's First Lie,? about the questions he thinks prospective CIA director John Brennan must answer about Obama's passport and the One's mysterious 1981 trip to Pakistan.Michelle travels to Chicago to use a dead girl as a prop. Marco Rubio will deliver one response to the State of the Union Address. He is articulate and popular, but is he an Article II Natural Born Citizen?

 Larry Pratt. Gun Owners of America Reacts to Skeetgate - Feb 03,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

With the Middle East in flames, al Qaeda on the march, and many unanswered questions about the murder of 4 Americans in Benghazi, liberal icon/practiced liar Hillary Rodham Clinton not only managed to avoid the inevitable vicious attacks from the vast right-wing conspiracy as she left office as Secretary of State. She was praised her to the skies for the terrific job she has done. Huh? Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to entertain & disturb us with unintentional comedy.They are also attempting to do anything to distract us from our limping economy. Sayeth the Dear Reader: Pay no attention to those anemic job numbers, Subjects. Behold what I am doing for the children with gun control & amnesty for illegals! After the Sandy Hook murders, sensing a good chance to exploit a crisis, Obama and his left-wing, 2nd Amendment hating posse pulled their precious gun control plans out of a drawer, dusted them off, and put Biden on the case. Special guest Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America will share his reaction to Biden's latest gaffe, as well as yesterday's release of a ridiculous photo of the One skeet shooting at Camp David. Note to Obama and his PR flacks: one phony photo op depicting B. Hussein awkwardly handling a shotgun does not assuage our concerns about his hostility to the 2nd amendment. It is insufficient to overcome decades of statements, actions and votes the prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama does not believe in the individual right to keep and bear arms. This is a man who has a long history of hostility to the 2nd amendment. Is Reagan's boyhodd apartment in Chicago really going to be torn down and replaced by a parking lot for Barack Obama's presidential library? We'll talk to the woman spearheading attempts to save it, Mary Claire Kendall.

 The Week in Bizarro World-Inauguration, Hillary and Guns - Jan 27,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

This week was one of bizarre spectacles, over and above the 2nd inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama. After Obama's speech, I didn't notice. Did they hand out the little red books to the assembled cadres there or is Organizing for Action going to send those out?In other bizarro world events:After making sure that anyone who might challenge her narrative had laid their cards on the table before she went on the record, Sec. of State, Hillary ?What Difference Does it Make?? Clinton finally recovered from her vapors & appeared before Congress to tell her story about the murder of 4 Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. Her acolytes in the LSM praised her spunky pushback against the GOP dolts who dared to pose serious questions, & her tearful recalling of her greeting flag-draped coffins at Andrews. Missing from their slobbering reports was any mention of the glaring irony of a woman who cut her teeth in the Watergate investigation, pursuing dishonesty in the Nixon administration, raising her voice to proclaim that such dishonesty should make no difference.A U.S. Senator who at one time had her own concealed carry permit because of fears for her own safety, presented her plan to disarm her fellow Americans. She & her fellow gun-grabbers bleat incessantly about the phony ?gun show loophole,? while presenting their very own gun show, a presser.Lame duck Sec. of Def Panetta dropped a bomb while going out the door, lifting the ban on women surviving directly in combat. What will be the impact on our military? We'll get the 411 from Elaine Donnelly, Center for Military Readiness.Also Leslie Eastman, contributor to Legal Insurrection & member of the San Diego Tea Party. We'll get her take on what the GOP needs to do to get its mojo back.

 Ted Nugent Sings the Illinois National Anthem - Jan 20,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Legendary rock and roll superstar and American patriot Ted Nugent drives the Left nuts (and that's a short drive, as you know) with his no-holds-barred exposure of their hypocrisy and deceit. The interview you'll hear on today's show will not disappoint. You'll also hear his terrific new song, ?I Still Believe,? and another little ditty that I didn't even know exists until Ted performed it on during our chat, the Illinois National Anthem. Did you spend yesterday's Gun Appreciation Day at a firing range? I did. We'll talk to one of the organizers of that terrific event, Larry Ward. As Barack Obama starts his second term today, it's clear that he and his apparatchiks have taken one message from his re-election; that is, to be more arrogant and confrontational than any ruler this side of Hugo Chavez. Whether it's condescendingly stating that anyone who opposes his anti-2nd amendment policies is more interested in making money than protecting first graders from being murdered, or continuing his gangsta government by threatening end runs around Congress, it's clear that he plans to ramp up his lawlessness.


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