WTF File How Did We Get Into This Mess? - Mar 31,2013

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: As our economy continues to limp along, Obamacare begins its steps of destruction, & our media is obsessed with so-called ?same sex marriage,? it's also appropriate to ask, how did we get into this mess? Certainly it is the result of Obama's ongoing project to ?remake? (read ?destroy?) the country we grew up in and replace it with a Euro-style socialist paradise. We (1) knew that Obama was a radical who described the U.S. Constitution as document of ?negative rights,? meaning that he considered its system of limited federal power an obstacle to his grand plans and (2) understood the implications of that fact; specifically, we connected those dots, which lead to the inevitable understanding that a government big enough to give us everything we want is also big enough to take everything we have. Not so for the low info voters. Hillsdale College econ professor Gary Wolfram has written a new book designed to push back the frontiers of ignorance. ?The Capitalist Manifesto? does what I thought was impossible: making economics, specifically free market economics, not only accessible, but interesting. He'll join us to explain what we can do to reach the Lo-Fos and take back our country.2nd Amendment update-Obama continues to travel around the country lying about ?universal background checks? for gun purchases. He says we should feel ashamed for not supporting his idiotic, pointless gun control agenda. I say he should be ashamed for trying to use murdered children to trample on the rights of law abiding citizens. What say you? . Is there a deal on "comprehensive immigration reform?" The Obama daughters enjoy the ?Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,? How much did these trips, with the private jets, the Secret Service agents and other miscellaneous expenses, cost taxpayers? How was YOUR spring break, Bitter Clinger?