The Teri OBrien Show show

The Teri OBrien Show

Summary: Conservative Talk Radio at Its Best! Hottest Topics, A-List Guests, Analysis from America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess Because it's impossible to be free and ignorant LIBERALS LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK! "If you're going to tell people the truth, you'd better make them laugh. Otherwise, they'll kill you." George Bernard Shaw Teri O'Brien is America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess, or as the Democratic Underground says "she is scum." Hear it on Teri's Show on Sunday or somewhere else tomorrow. Devoted listeners have enjoyed her entertaining, informative and sometimes even snarky commentary on politics and popular culture on the legendary WLS, 890 AM, Chicago's radio home of Rush Limbaugh, WCKG, 105.9 FM, and in her many books, articles, speeches and blog postings. Broadcasting from a secured bunker in an undisclosed location in flyover country, outside the East Coast bubble and far from Left Coast insanity, Teri gives you the first opportunity to hear what everyone will be talking about on Monday. You can find out more about Teri O'Brien here: We won Red State Talk Radio's "Talk Show of the Year" Award for 2011. Previous guests have included: Dr. Walter E. Williams David Limbaugh (Crimes Against Liberty) Humberto Fontova (Chè Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him) Michael Patrick Leahy (The Ideological Foundations of the Tea Party) Stanley Kurtz (Radical in Chief) Grace-Marie Turner (Galen Institute) Betsy Hart (It Takes a Parent and From the Hart: Love, Loss, Marriage (and Other Extreme Sports) John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime and the new Debacle) J. Christian Adams (Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department) Jerome Corsi (Where's the Birth Certificate?) David Freddoso (The Case Against Barack Obama) Erick Stakelbeck (The Terrorist Next Door) and many other A-Listers.

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 Obama's Racist Mentors Exposed, Media Smackdown - Mar 11,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Michael Moore and Leni Riefensthal: an Academy-Award winning documentary winner does his part to re-elect the One, and even liberal media types wonder how he can keep a straight face while describing it. Obama and his LSM buddies managed to keep people from connecting the dots in 2008, but now his radical and racist roots are oozing out. Will they be able to keep them hidden this time? Michelle bowling for dollars. I hope she doesn't mention Special Olympics Delicious smackdown of clueless news reader Soledad OBrien by Breitbart's Joel Pollack Chris Matthews compares Obama's call to liberal operative Sandra Fluke to JFK's call to MLK Just how stupid are women voters anyway? Should we repeal the 19th amendment?

 Once Again, Obama Has His Priorities Straight - Mar 04,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

While most Americans live in sheer terror of having to fill their gas tanks, Iran moves steadily toward the creation of a nuclear weapon, & our troops are being killed in Afghanistan over the burning of previously-defaced Korans, Obama proved again last week that he knows what's important;specifically, issuing another in a seemingly never-ending series of apologies to our enemies, raising ridiculous amounts of money for his campaign, & finishing the hachet job he started in January with the very willing assistance of ?objective journalist?/democrat flack George Stephanapolous, who raised the burning issue of contraception at a NH debate. LSM continues to try to distract voters from the naked coercion in Obamacare with its silly narrative about the GOP's ?War on Women.". They hope to use Limbaugh as the poster boy for that completely phony charge, especially in the eyes of emotionally-driven suburban soccer mommies, most of whom can't name their congressmen, but who are horrified by the bombastic talk show host's being so ?mean? to a ?courageous,? innocent young girl, only 23 years old! Or wait …30, and with a long history of left-wing political activism. Whatever. Clearly, when discussing this issue & sadly,many others, facts & details don't matter. Now that Rush has issued an apology, will the dems be satisfied, and, as they like to say ?move on?? Not bloody likely. Also the inside story of what might have led Rush to use such inflammatory language.Dirty, little secret, but one well known in the world of terrestrial radio: outrageous words sell.

 What Romney Needs to Say about Romneycare - Feb 26,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Do politicians, public officials & celebutards say stupid, and even insane, things on a stunningly regular basis? Of course they do! This Oscar Sunday, we'll revisit some of these unfortunate comments, which are unfortunate for them, but hilarious for us! What's your fav? Jeb Bush's recent ?I used to be a conservative?? The moronic ?Warren Buffett & Debbie Show,? featuring a false narrative about the ?unfairness? in our tax system? Anything that Sean Penn has said in the last five years? And, no, we aren't going to leave out our Dear Reader. He may even earn his own category. Of course, disaster movies are a classic Hollywood genre, and thanks to the Obama economy, many Americans are starring in their own personal versions of ?Titanic.? In 2009, the democrats gave us the mother of all public policy disasters for this country, the Orwellian-named ?Affordable Care Act.? Today's guest, Grace Marie Turner President of the Galen Institute and co-author of Why Obamacare Is Wrong for America, knows Obamacare inside and out, and we'll ask her whether there is any way to get our country on a lifeboat. One year after his death, the family of murdered ICE agent Jaime Zapata is still waiting for answers, even though on January 30 a man was sentenced to 100 months for trafficking in a weapon involved in the crime. Speaking of waiting, we're eagerly anticipating Eric Holder's explanation, even though the weapon was part of Operation Fast & Furious.

 Questioning Barack's Faith &Who is Andrea Mitchell Kidding? - Feb 19,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Lame Stream Media continues its disinformation campaign designed to convince low-information and the emotionally-driven that the upcoming election is not about the Obama administration's lawlessness, or the limping economy, but is about contraception. Now they are assisting the fellow members of the Obama campaign by distorting and misconstruing Rick Santorum's comments about radical environmentalism. Are they sure they want to make Barack Obama's "faith" an issue? Medicare eligible Andrea Mitchell pretends to be taken aback by a joke she almost certainly heard in junior high. Moochelle goes a whole month without a vacation. Thank goodness she and the princesses are in Aspen for Presidents' Day. American business leader calls out Washington failure to a stunned CNN anchor.

 Women Expect Too Much, Settle for Too Little - Feb 12,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Fighting the relentless forces of ignorance, stupidity, political correctness, pop culture foolishness and liberalism (I know--that's redundant) with unlimited common sense, boatloads of facts, and good humor. A provocateur? Yes, but a playful one. Join the fun!

 The Truth About Planned Parenthood & Women's Health - Feb 05,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Anyone who doubted the Left's zero tolerance for challenging their pro-abortion orthodoxy got major wakeup call last week when the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a private charity dedicated to eradicating breast cancer, was on the receiving end of the Soprano treatment from Planned Parenthood & their dem friends. After Komen dared to suggest that in the future it would fund organizations actually involved in preventing breast cancer, rather than terminating unborn children with extreme prejudice, the entire liberal media-political machine mobilized. They filled every broadcast & social networking outlet with hysterical, & ridiculously predictable, rhetoric about attacks on ?women's health.? As usual,when libs start whining, this whole ?women's health? routine was based on a lie. PP has as much to do with women's health as Jack Daniels has to do with proper hydration. On today's show, you'll hear actual phone calls to PP outlets, proving that they do not provide mammograms. No matter, Komen caved. No private organization can afford to have that coven of Congressional harridans led by Pelosi & Boxer after them. As Barack crisscrosses the country promising to hand out goodies to nearly every potential voter, Michelle continues her pop culture outreach to a critical Obama voting block, people who can name every Kardashian but not their member of Congress. Not only did she appear with Leno, she also challenged Ellen to a televised pushup contest. Amazingly, Michelle, America's #1 fitness & nutrition expert,won! Who knew affirmative action rules were in effect not only for Ivy League college admissions, but also for pushups? Special guest, Jeanie DeAngelis, prolific writer whose insightful and hilarious writing frequently appears at the American Thinker and also at her own blog Jeanie-o-logy, will weigh in

 Ultimate Irony:Will Obama Be Disqualified in 2012? - Jan 29,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Describing the Obama administration in one word. Chris Matthews, Lynn Sweet, and Melinda Hennenberg inadvertently makes the case for Newt Gingrich, citing Saul Alinsky. Doesn't the fact that Newt is the only guy who is willing to say the ?A? word mean he is the only candidate who will really take it to Obama? Newt has a rare off night in Jacksonville FL debate. Lessons: (1)It pays to hire a debate coach (2) Spending 5-1 on advertising works Is Barack Obama constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President? Special guest Van Irion of the Liberty Legal Foundation, & lead counsel in the GA ballot eligibility case, give us the inside story on the litigation, and weighs in on whether Marco Rubio is eligible to be president of the United States. (Hint: Not likely) Most explosive Obama document dump ever: Holder Knew About Fast and Furious on the day Border Agent Brian Terry died. Gee, do you think that maybe he was lying before?

 Romney's Problem: His Romneyness, and Why Newt Can Win - Jan 22,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Newt demonstrates why he won the South Carolina Primary in a landslide, as he schools clueless members of the Lame Stream Media and even dares to use the ?A? word when referring to the One (?Alinsky?)Special Guest John Hawkins, Publisher of Right Wing News, weighs in on:The Myth of Romney's Electability, Why Rick Santorum is Performing so Poorly, Whether the GOP Establishment is Trying to Foist a Moderate Like Mitch Daniels on Us Steven Tyler's Full Body Primal Scream Rendition of the National Anthem at NFL Playoff, and What Tyler Has to Do with the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Liberal Death Star Columnist MoDo (Maureen Dowd) Explains that Obamas do believe in American Exceptionalism, As in Their Own The Obama Scandal Hat Trick: 100 criminal investigations of Porkulus Funds 1st campaign ad filled with lies Chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona Takes 5th in Fast & Furious

 The Truth About Those Anti-Bain Ads, Plus Don't Fear China - Jan 15,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Newt pulls back on his Michael Mooreesque attacks on Mitt Romney's tenure at Bain after it turns out one of the most heart-rendering stories about two victims of Mitt's ?vulture capitalism? were not fired by Bain. Oh, and during Bain's ownership, they got 30% raises.Why China Will Never Rule the World with author Troy ParfittWhy in the world would anyone think that Michelle Obama is ?an angry black woman?? Let me see …her words maybe?Speaking of the race-obsessed, Liberal Death Star blogger Lee Siegel reveals his own racism by calling Mitt Romney ?the whitest white man? to run for president. The 11 other Solyndras that almost no one is talking about.

 New Hampshire Primary GOP Debate-athon - Jan 08,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Objective journo George Stephanopolous grills Mitt over the #1 issue in the minds of Americans today. No, Bitter Clinger, not the sluggish economy, the crushing debt, or the threat of Iran. Everyone is talking about whether states can outlaw contraception. Valley Boy David "Howdy Doody" Gregory proves his real calling is game show host, not brilliant analyst. Speaking of brilliant, Newt on the 2nd amendment Moochelle not happy about new book, The Obamas

 Is Calista a Deal Breaker? Teri Meets Newt, Coulter Lies - Jan 01,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Happy New Year! A terrific way to start 2012: The Teri O'Brien Show has been named ?Talk Show of the Year? by RS Talk Radio! "As Iowa Goes, So Goes Iowa" Sen Grassley didn't help persuade me that the C-SPAN caller we heard calling Iowans "pork jockeys" &"weed benders" was wrong by reminding us that Jimmuh Carter & Carter 2.0, Obama, started there. I'm not the only one watching the 24/7 tv nuthouse.So is East Coast squish/TV token Repub Matthew Dowd, who used the same phrase to describe the GOP field as Chris Matthews. Dowd also inadvertently stated the problem with Romney: he may be this year's J Kerry. Did he really base his view on the issue of abortion on a poll? Does he really think we won't notice how bizarre it is when his barrage of negative ads call Newt a flip flopper? Dir of Center for Am Progress points out that Romney's alleged electability is a fairy tale spread by guys like Dowd.Is Calista the real problem? Ron Paul is disqualified from the office of President: he's a 9-11 truther. Despite what Paul says, it's not clear that the NDAA expands President's authority to arrest & detain American citizens indefinitely. Where is the outrage from those who squealed over Pres. Bush's use of signing statements?Smack down between David "Howdy Doody" Gregory & Santorum on Iran. Former TOB Show guest Prof. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection on Ann Coulter's dishonesty about Santorum's voting record. Is Santorum indirectly responsible for Obamacare? SL Bruce is distressed that the so-called payroll tax cut is raiding Soc Security.Is it appropriate to continue transferring enormous amounts of wealth from the young to old?

 Can Conservatives Trust Mitt Romney? - Dec 18,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Please vote for the Teri O'Brien Show as Talk Show of the Year on Red State Talk Radio. (You'll need to scroll down on the right side to vote). Thanks so much! Mitt Romney hits a homerun in Fox News debate. Ron Paul-not so much Speaking of debates, the soon-to-be ex-host (never doubt me-I predicted her exit months ago) of ABC's "This Week," Christiane Amanpour, is mystified as to why more Americans are concerned about the size of government. Gee, could it be that we have Marxist in the White House? To help her figure it out, she hosted a debate featuring Rep. Paul Ryan, with Rep. Barney Frank for comic relief. Are conservative women hotter? You betcha! I'll tell you why. The Critquelator exposes "60 Minutes" deception, trying to cover up for the One's narcissistic characterization of himself as the 4th best president ever! I guess that's why he can take credit for establishing a democracy in Iraq, even though he won't use the "v" word (victory). As he explained back in 2009, he doesn't like that word because it reminds him of Hirohito surrenderiing on deck of the USS Missouri, an event that happened only in Obama's mind. Remembering anti-communist hero Vaclav Havel

 Why Mitt Romney Cannot Be the GOP Nominee - Dec 11,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Please vote for the Teri O'Brien Show as Talk Show of the Year on Red State Talk Radio. (You'll need to scroll down on the right side to vote). Thanks so much! I watch so you don't have to, so if you missed Saturday night's GOP debate on ABC, no worries. In this episode, we unpack it, and answer the questions: Who won? Who lost? Who set the Twitterverse on fire with one remark? Did Mitt deliver a knock out blow to the man who threatens to ruin his Christmas, Newt Gingrich? How did Newt handle the thinly-veiled references to his, shall we say, colorful personal life? 2nd amendment update: featuring another stunning remark from Sen. Dick "Eddie Haskell" Durbin, this time lamenting the filibustering of another liberal activist judge, and Eric Holder's George Constanza theory of relative truth in his testimony before Congress regarding Fast & Furious Another half billion dollars down the Obama "green energy" rathole, this time for worthless cars like the Volt, which no one wants, especially since they started catching on fire. The hapless former Illinois Combine hack turned Sec. of Transportation, Ray La Hood, denies that there is a cover up, but why isn't GM getting the Toyota treatment? A listener calls the show from the future A preview of Obama's interview on 60 minutes, and a reminder of what he told Matt Lauer in 2009: if I don't get this fixed in 3 years, it should be one and done

 Barack Obama: The Greatest President in History - Dec 04,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

What's faster than Barack Obama driving to the hoop & more furious than Michelle finding out that she has to spend her vacation in Branson, MO? An Eric Holder Friday evening doc dump about the unwinding scandal commonly known by the same adjectives, Fast & Furious. We'll unpack the timeline and ask, yet again, why Mr. Holder continues to receive a paycheck from U.S. taxpayers. But, ah, Bitter Clinger, Her Highness will not be spending her latest vacation in Branson. On the latest leg of Barack and Michelle's excellent ?Reparations Have to Start Somewhere, So Why Not With Us?? she and her family will drop at least another cool million of this mean country's cash when they take their 17-day vacation in Hawaii. Yes we can! But Herman Cain can't. All this hate speech, begrudging the Obamas' their vacations, demonstrates, yet again, that the mouth-breathing, weed-bending dullards who don't support our president are incapable of appreciating something obvious to the enlightened; that is, that he is the greatest president in the history of everything. Our special guest, Frank J. Fleming, author of the terrific book, Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything, will come on the show and straighten us all out. New Feature: Stupider Than a Monkey?

 Mooch Booed, Hillsdale's Prof Wolfram re Occupy Wall Street - Nov 20,2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Hillsdale College's Prof Gary Wolfram stops in to talk about his terrific column about the silly, juvenile and increasingly violent "Occupy" movement & their cluelessness about the fact that the capitalism they despise makes their lifestyles possible. Chris Matthews laments the aloofness of his former man crush Barack Obama Moochelle Obama booed by bitter clingers at a NASCAR event, who apparently aren't as stupid as she and her husband think they are. Note to the First Klingon: They probably aren't even buying that Target photo op. Democrat operatives Chicago mayor/foul-mouthed former ballerina Rahm Emanuel & ex-Clinton mouthpiece (not the Monica kind, the press sec kind) Dee Dee Myers try to spin the mob of filthy, whining slackers who think we owe them everything aka Occupy Everything but a Job and a Shower, as expressing the "angst" of average Americans. Good luck with that.


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