The Truth About Planned Parenthood & Women's Health - Feb 05,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Anyone who doubted the Left's zero tolerance for challenging their pro-abortion orthodoxy got major wakeup call last week when the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a private charity dedicated to eradicating breast cancer, was on the receiving end of the Soprano treatment from Planned Parenthood & their dem friends. After Komen dared to suggest that in the future it would fund organizations actually involved in preventing breast cancer, rather than terminating unborn children with extreme prejudice, the entire liberal media-political machine mobilized. They filled every broadcast & social networking outlet with hysterical, & ridiculously predictable, rhetoric about attacks on ?women's health.? As usual,when libs start whining, this whole ?women's health? routine was based on a lie. PP has as much to do with women's health as Jack Daniels has to do with proper hydration. On today's show, you'll hear actual phone calls to PP outlets, proving that they do not provide mammograms. No matter, Komen caved. No private organization can afford to have that coven of Congressional harridans led by Pelosi & Boxer after them. As Barack crisscrosses the country promising to hand out goodies to nearly every potential voter, Michelle continues her pop culture outreach to a critical Obama voting block, people who can name every Kardashian but not their member of Congress. Not only did she appear with Leno, she also challenged Ellen to a televised pushup contest. Amazingly, Michelle, America's #1 fitness & nutrition expert,won! Who knew affirmative action rules were in effect not only for Ivy League college admissions, but also for pushups? Special guest, Jeanie DeAngelis, prolific writer whose insightful and hilarious writing frequently appears at the American Thinker and also at her own blog Jeanie-o-logy, will weigh in