Why Mitt Romney Cannot Be the GOP Nominee - Dec 11,2011

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Please vote for the Teri O'Brien Show as Talk Show of the Year on Red State Talk Radio. (You'll need to scroll down on the right side to vote). Thanks so much! I watch so you don't have to, so if you missed Saturday night's GOP debate on ABC, no worries. In this episode, we unpack it, and answer the questions: Who won? Who lost? Who set the Twitterverse on fire with one remark? Did Mitt deliver a knock out blow to the man who threatens to ruin his Christmas, Newt Gingrich? How did Newt handle the thinly-veiled references to his, shall we say, colorful personal life? 2nd amendment update: featuring another stunning remark from Sen. Dick "Eddie Haskell" Durbin, this time lamenting the filibustering of another liberal activist judge, and Eric Holder's George Constanza theory of relative truth in his testimony before Congress regarding Fast & Furious Another half billion dollars down the Obama "green energy" rathole, this time for worthless cars like the Volt, which no one wants, especially since they started catching on fire. The hapless former Illinois Combine hack turned Sec. of Transportation, Ray La Hood, denies that there is a cover up, but why isn't GM getting the Toyota treatment? A listener calls the show from the future A preview of Obama's interview on 60 minutes, and a reminder of what he told Matt Lauer in 2009: if I don't get this fixed in 3 years, it should be one and done