Romney's Problem: His Romneyness, and Why Newt Can Win - Jan 22,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Newt demonstrates why he won the South Carolina Primary in a landslide, as he schools clueless members of the Lame Stream Media and even dares to use the ?A? word when referring to the One (?Alinsky?)Special Guest John Hawkins, Publisher of Right Wing News, weighs in on:The Myth of Romney's Electability, Why Rick Santorum is Performing so Poorly, Whether the GOP Establishment is Trying to Foist a Moderate Like Mitch Daniels on Us Steven Tyler's Full Body Primal Scream Rendition of the National Anthem at NFL Playoff, and What Tyler Has to Do with the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Liberal Death Star Columnist MoDo (Maureen Dowd) Explains that Obamas do believe in American Exceptionalism, As in Their Own The Obama Scandal Hat Trick: 100 criminal investigations of Porkulus Funds 1st campaign ad filled with lies Chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona Takes 5th in Fast & Furious