Can Conservatives Trust Mitt Romney? - Dec 18,2011

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Please vote for the Teri O'Brien Show as Talk Show of the Year on Red State Talk Radio. (You'll need to scroll down on the right side to vote). Thanks so much! Mitt Romney hits a homerun in Fox News debate. Ron Paul-not so much Speaking of debates, the soon-to-be ex-host (never doubt me-I predicted her exit months ago) of ABC's "This Week," Christiane Amanpour, is mystified as to why more Americans are concerned about the size of government. Gee, could it be that we have Marxist in the White House? To help her figure it out, she hosted a debate featuring Rep. Paul Ryan, with Rep. Barney Frank for comic relief. Are conservative women hotter? You betcha! I'll tell you why. The Critquelator exposes "60 Minutes" deception, trying to cover up for the One's narcissistic characterization of himself as the 4th best president ever! I guess that's why he can take credit for establishing a democracy in Iraq, even though he won't use the "v" word (victory). As he explained back in 2009, he doesn't like that word because it reminds him of Hirohito surrenderiing on deck of the USS Missouri, an event that happened only in Obama's mind. Remembering anti-communist hero Vaclav Havel