The Truth About Those Anti-Bain Ads, Plus Don't Fear China - Jan 15,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Newt pulls back on his Michael Mooreesque attacks on Mitt Romney's tenure at Bain after it turns out one of the most heart-rendering stories about two victims of Mitt's ?vulture capitalism? were not fired by Bain. Oh, and during Bain's ownership, they got 30% raises.Why China Will Never Rule the World with author Troy ParfittWhy in the world would anyone think that Michelle Obama is ?an angry black woman?? Let me see …her words maybe?Speaking of the race-obsessed, Liberal Death Star blogger Lee Siegel reveals his own racism by calling Mitt Romney ?the whitest white man? to run for president. The 11 other Solyndras that almost no one is talking about.