Ultimate Irony:Will Obama Be Disqualified in 2012? - Jan 29,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Describing the Obama administration in one word. Chris Matthews, Lynn Sweet, and Melinda Hennenberg inadvertently makes the case for Newt Gingrich, citing Saul Alinsky. Doesn't the fact that Newt is the only guy who is willing to say the ?A? word mean he is the only candidate who will really take it to Obama? Newt has a rare off night in Jacksonville FL debate. Lessons: (1)It pays to hire a debate coach (2) Spending 5-1 on advertising works Is Barack Obama constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President? Special guest Van Irion of the Liberty Legal Foundation, & lead counsel in the GA ballot eligibility case, give us the inside story on the litigation, and weighs in on whether Marco Rubio is eligible to be president of the United States. (Hint: Not likely) Most explosive Obama document dump ever: Holder Knew About Fast and Furious on the day Border Agent Brian Terry died. Gee, do you think that maybe he was lying before?