Obama's Racist Mentors Exposed, Media Smackdown - Mar 11,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Michael Moore and Leni Riefensthal: an Academy-Award winning documentary winner does his part to re-elect the One, and even liberal media types wonder how he can keep a straight face while describing it. Obama and his LSM buddies managed to keep people from connecting the dots in 2008, but now his radical and racist roots are oozing out. Will they be able to keep them hidden this time? Michelle bowling for dollars. I hope she doesn't mention Special Olympics Delicious smackdown of clueless news reader Soledad OBrien by Breitbart's Joel Pollack Chris Matthews compares Obama's call to liberal operative Sandra Fluke to JFK's call to MLK Just how stupid are women voters anyway? Should we repeal the 19th amendment?