Larry Pratt. Gun Owners of America Reacts to Skeetgate - Feb 03,2013

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: With the Middle East in flames, al Qaeda on the march, and many unanswered questions about the murder of 4 Americans in Benghazi, liberal icon/practiced liar Hillary Rodham Clinton not only managed to avoid the inevitable vicious attacks from the vast right-wing conspiracy as she left office as Secretary of State. She was praised her to the skies for the terrific job she has done. Huh? Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to entertain & disturb us with unintentional comedy.They are also attempting to do anything to distract us from our limping economy. Sayeth the Dear Reader: Pay no attention to those anemic job numbers, Subjects. Behold what I am doing for the children with gun control & amnesty for illegals! After the Sandy Hook murders, sensing a good chance to exploit a crisis, Obama and his left-wing, 2nd Amendment hating posse pulled their precious gun control plans out of a drawer, dusted them off, and put Biden on the case. Special guest Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America will share his reaction to Biden's latest gaffe, as well as yesterday's release of a ridiculous photo of the One skeet shooting at Camp David. Note to Obama and his PR flacks: one phony photo op depicting B. Hussein awkwardly handling a shotgun does not assuage our concerns about his hostility to the 2nd amendment. It is insufficient to overcome decades of statements, actions and votes the prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama does not believe in the individual right to keep and bear arms. This is a man who has a long history of hostility to the 2nd amendment. Is Reagan's boyhodd apartment in Chicago really going to be torn down and replaced by a parking lot for Barack Obama's presidential library? We'll talk to the woman spearheading attempts to save it, Mary Claire Kendall.