Willful Blindness: Note to Obama. Political Correctness Kills - Mar 06,2011

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Why are all the members of the Obama administration, from the One himself down, so determined to impersonate ostriches when it comes to the issue of the issue of militant Islam? I think that we are all familiar with liberals’ amazing ability to see things that aren’t there, such as mysterious “emanations” from “penumbras” that the Founders never envisioned in their wildest dreams, while at the same time being completely blind to the reality in front on them, such “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” Nowhere has this perplexing habit been on more obvious display than the Obama administration’s tap-dancing around the issue of politicized Islamic extremism. Why, even after the recent murder of two U.S. servicemen in Frankfurt last Wednesday by a jihadist-slogan screeching shooter, did the president refer to searching for the “perpetrators,” as if we are looking for some guy who knocked over a convenience market? Is he mystified as to what could possibly have motivated this deliberate attack on members of the American armed forces? Really? Note to Barack: as your pal Stuart Smalley likes to say “denial is not just a river in Egypt." 2nd amendment update, featuring former Eliot Spitzer wannabee and current IL AG Lisa Madigan’s joining the liberal democrat jihad against law-abiding gun owners in her state, The Truth About Planned Parenthood from Abby Johnson, whose new book Unplanned describes her journey from Planned Parenthood director to pro-life activist. How could someone go from eight years of enthusiastically promoting the “pro choice” agenda to believing that all abortions are wrong in a matter of minutes? The Critiquelator, certified black enough to critique and interpret the deception of the Left, weighs in about the Obama administration's complicity in the murder of a U.S. Border agent.